
How do you tackle?

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Im going to play rugby this year and one of the most important moves is the tackle. First of all when a guy is running at you how could you lower down and try to grab his fast legs? Wont those hit ur face or something? mabye im too chicken to play but i really wanna play. Any ideas




  1. Get low, drive your shoulder into him, wrap your arms around his legs/waist and LIFT. Once their feet are off the ground they are at your bloody mercy, and you can dump them. Lifting just one leg of the ground is easy, just grab that leg and push, with only one leg there's bugger all they can do, and they go down easy.

    If that isn't an option, always go for the legs, wrap your arms round tight. That means they can't run properly and either there momentum or yours will take them down. Also, you always need to stick your shoulder in, it gives you more power and the tackle is more likely to come off. If you tackle hard you're less likely to get hit by their flailing legs; ironically the softer you go in in rugby, whether you have the ball or not, the more likely you are to get hurt. Yea, you might take a few hits, but if you get the adrenaline going you won't mind.

  2. The easiest way to tackle is to get low, try to aviod his knees with your face if possible, wrap your arms around his mid section and fall back.  you will use his momemtum to take him down.

  3. crouch and keep your back straight as the player's running towards you, launch yourself using your calf muscles and ankles into his midsection, and do the old cheek to cheek i.e. make sure your cheek is touching his **** cheek. if you do this with enough momentum itll knock the stuffing out of him, if not, just keep hanging on until he falls.

  4. If you try to learn on the internet you're gonna die.  Go find a rugby player and ask them to show you.

  5. A strong tackle in rugby requires that the arms be used to wrap around the attackers.  High tackling, late tackling,  and other “cheap shots” are strictly forbidden and severally punished.  In addition, tacklers must rely on the strength in their body rather than armored shoulders and helmets to make a tackle.  Coaches teach not only how to tackle opponents but also what to do when tackled to ensure that your team retains possession.

  6. If you are worried about getting hurt rugby is not for you try table tennis. Seriously go in fast,low and hard your opponent can't run with no legs higher tackles can often  be slipped
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