
How do you take a cork out of a wine bottle with a cork s***w?

by  |  earlier

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it seemed to work but then i had to take it out and try again but now the cork only goes back down into the bottle.. help!




  1. s***w it and pull VERY slowly!

  2. you put the s***w through the cork then pull both of them out slowly until the cork comes out.

    if you're trying to get the s***w out from the bottom, then you're out of luck there. but at the end, the wine will still taste good.

  3. I only get the corkscrews that have the little levers on the side - that rise up when you s***w it into the cork.  Then you shove the levers down and the cork comes out

  4. you can just grab a pen and jab the cork into the bottle if it's gone down a bit. it's not gonna do anything.

  5. You put the s***w in the middle of the cork, s***w it in, when it's all the way in, you pull up using the lever or the stop or just elbow grease.

    If you try to s***w the cork in and the cork moves down, then you're in trouble, you have to s***w it in lightly and get in started.  I fyou get the s***w in even just a little bit, it will at least catch the cork if it goes into the bottle.  You need to be able tog et that s***w in there further if you want to pull it up though.

    Sometimes you get the cork, sometimes the cork gets you.

  6. Ask an adult to do it for you.

  7. Just shove it down into the bottle and pour the wine out around it. Happens all the time.

  8. you s***w it in and pull it out.

  9. If the cork is already far into the bottle, just push it through and decant the wine in to another bottle or carafe. It's not going to effect the wine.

  10. first soak it. You must learn to soak cork.

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