
How do you take a picture like this??

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike How do you get the bubbles to be so bright, colorful, and in focus?? Also how do you get both the bubbles and person blowing the bubbles in focus and still have the background out of focus?? Do you use manual focus?? What aperture and shutter speeds would be good?? Thanks!!




  1. For focus, the Aperture setting is critical.  The higher the number of the f-stop, the greater "depth of field" you have. So with your camera, if you can set you f-stop to a high number and then let the camera decide on the shutter speed, I think you'll get the desired results.

    You can experiment with this by putting a bunch of items along a table; then sight the camera so each item is visible (not hidden behind each other) but so you can see all them in the frame.  Then set the f-stop to the lowest number and focus on the middle item and take a picture; and then increase the f-stop value as you take more pictures.  and you see in the first one, only the center item is in focus and each following picture, more items are in focus.

  2. Aperture plays the part in having the background out of focus with the bubbles in focus. She used a dslr camera shot in manual and focused on the bubbles. Then she went into photoshop and enhanced the image's colors a bit.

  3. That picture was taken with ISO set at 200.  F-stop set at 3.5 and the shutter speed was 1/250 of a second.  The camera set the speed since they shot was made in Aperture Priority which means the photographer set the aperture to 3.5 and the lens was set to 85mm

    That is called Exif data and is included with the file and posted in flickr when you check the "More Properties" link on the page

    You will have to try and see if you can get it right after practice

    Good luck!

  4. Basically it is good composition, good use of back lighting with some fill (not too much) and using the right lens to get good Bokeh.

    These are the skills one learns after attending a few photography classes and then using what you learned over the next few years as you gain experience.   There are very few successful photographers who do not have at least five or so years of experience shoot the subjects they excel in shooting.

  5. small aperture for the depth, the sun is behind the subjects giving the pleasing backlight, the skin is in the shadow and this is where the camera has measured the exposure,

    the bubbles have been retouched

    the rest is answered above in round a bout ways


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