
How do you take away weight on PhotoShop?

by  |  earlier

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Do you have any tutorial I could maybe use for taking away some weight (off a person) using Photoshop (the newest version)?




  1. Go to FILTER, then to LIQUIFY............... now start playing with it ...............there are tools by which you can shrink (Fourth brush from the top)or increase(5th brush from the top) a person and the which you don't want to do anything can MASK (4th last one)that area.Try keeping the BRUSH Size more big.And practice makes a man perfect so you need to practice with this now.

  2. Uhm im sorry your fat or whoever your photoshopping is but photoshop isn't gunna take aways punds.

    How about some slim fast.or subway

    bahahahaha! :p

  3. Liquify, baby. It should be under the "Filter" drop-down menu. Don't worry, you won't need a tutorial, it just takes practice.

  4. Yeah, liquify, but here's a tip:

    If you have a background watch for it (or edit after slimming) because you don't want it to melt behind the person, do you?

    Like this:

    Here's a tutorial you can follow:

    You could do a Google search to find tons more of these.

  5. ya depending on how much weight ur trying to take off but the main tool is liquefy. google it to learn more

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