
How do you take care of 1 day old baby black mollies? PLEASE HELP ASAP! i want them to survive!?

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my black molly (big mama) gave birth to 50 babies after 9 weeks thanx to everyones help! thanx! ok she had 50 babies! how do i take care of them? i have them in two small bowls (i know i need to move them it is way to small) and the water will not stay warm! i cant get another aquarium or a heater! how do i take care of them without a heater or a big tank? what do i put them in? how do i keep them warm?how do i take care of them!????????? PLEASE HELP ASAP i want to save them all! please help! PS they are very energetic they were born around 6-10 yesterday night, and im feeding them crushed up (powder) tropical fish food flakes! is that ok? please help! oh and is it ok if i move them to clean the bowls and put new warm water in it will they be ok?




  1. I agree egg yolk is very good, boil it and strain it through a cloth. only a few drops or it will foul the water.  if you can be bothered, hatching baby brine shrimp (BBS) would be a very good idea when they get a few days older

  2. You need to separate them from the other fish, or they will be eaten.

  3. powdered tropical fish flakes but boil some eggs and the yold is what they eat

  4. If you have any other fish other than mollies in your tank separate the babies now if you only have mollies you should be fine with them in the tank make sure the tank is well planted and to feed them you can crush flake food in a bad to a fine powder or baby brine shrimp do the job  

  5. you can try putting a lamp over the water...but they need a tank with seaweed and aeration.  You are going to kill them by doing water that way.  You need to let the water sit overnight before putting them in and then you gradually add them so they get used to the water.  

    I don't know if they will should have a different tank or seaweed in the one that they were born in so they can hide

  6. yr best bet is to get a floating hatchery/breeder for them so they can stay in the big tank with the warm water,they need warm water to survive u cant keep them in a seperate bowl and just add luke warm water eventually they will die also u should feed them tetramin(baby)food it is ground powder food u feed them 2-4 times a day then when they are 2 weeks old feed them one -two flakes crushed up when they are a month old or bigger to not fit in the other fishes mouths then u can release them back into the big tank  

  7. Well I bought a few fish once, and the next thing I know I see baby fish swimming around.  As long as you don't stick them in tap water, (like I did :o ) they will be fine.

  8. k so whatever u do dont put them in a tank with a filter cuz they will get sucked up like mine did!!! um to keep them warm if u have like one of the lamps that go on a desk and if u dont u can go to target they are like 10 dollars there or if u have a tank use it but dont plug in the filter so that way they have a big tank with light, they dont really need that much warmth but just in case keep a thermometer in the water to see what temp it is, if it is below like 60 then you NEED to buy a heater or they might die, um for food ya they will pretty much eat whatever! which is really easy so what your feeding them is fine just adjust the amounts as they get bigger cuz they will eat more as they get older just feed them as much as they can eat in about 3 mins (not 2 mins cuz they just take more time for some reason to actually eat the food)  ya it is fine to move them in to different bowls to add hot water but try to avoid doing it too much cuz they will get stressed if you do that and that also helps there chances of dieing, but dont worry i think they are going to be fine!!! AND WOW 50 is ALOT mine only had 15!!! ... wait also if u have more then one fish and they are bigger they might eat the babies so watch out!!

  9. Buy a breeder net and put them back in tank asap.The mama would not of had them if conditions were wrong,they can and do hold them.Buy baby fry food its in a small container or boil an egg cut it in half and place in tank they will eat this as a film grows over it.They can survive 24-36 hours without food.Air and water quality determines how many make it at this point.Water needs to be 80 degrees,or alittle under that.Hope they make it.Mollies are the perfect fish in body shape I love them too.

  10. nooo move the mom leave the babys in the tank

  11. You could buy 5 breeding nets and put 10 fry in each, that way the nets will not be to crowded and they will be in the big filtered/heater main tank. Feed them crushed flake food if you have nothing else. If you can order a micro worm culture or brine shrimp eggs those would yield the highest survival rate of fry.

  12. You can get a mesh breeding net that hooks onto your tank for about $4.  All of them will not survive.  It's good of 25% of them reach adulthood.  I never remove them from the tank to start with.  Just keep your main tank well planted and they will hide in the plants.  The strong ones learn to hide and survive.


  13. Get a breeder net at like a Walmart, put it in the tank and no one will get at them.

    Feed them 5-6 times a day and expect some to die, since it's a natural thing.

    I had baby mollies too, but only one is alive now.

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