
How do you take care of a baby crab?

by Guest34297  |  earlier

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When my family went to the beach, we swiped some baby crabs to play around with. We were going to put them back, but when we left, it turns out that we brought them with us. So now I have about 5 baby crabs that I can't get back to the beach. How can I take care of them? I need to know what they need to be fed, their usual habitat, anything that can help.




  1. Uhhh.. what she said.

  2. When you first get your hermit crab

    Upon purchasing these crabs, there are some initial steps which ought to be taken. Set up an aquarium with a light, a thermometer, a humidity meter, and some sand, as well as containers for watering and feeding. The layer of sand should initially have a thin depth.

    Keep the aquarium lighted for half of the day (about twelve hrs.) and dark for the rest. The humidity level should remain similar to that of the container they were kept in at the pet store. As time passes, slowly add moss to the aquarium to make its humidity level rise. Sea sponge can also be used for adding to the humidity.

    The crab(s) should be moved to a larger aquarium after the above-mentioned period is over (after approximately four weeks). The humidity in the smaller transitional tank ought to be the same as that of the larger unit before they are transferred. Don't move them if one or more are in the process of shedding exoskeleton. It needs to include the above-mentioned items that were in the small tank, as well as more sand, a cuttlebone (provides them with calcium), artificial plants, and something for them to climb on. Use about three inches of sand.

    Aquarium care

    Claw release

    If a crab of this type pinches your hand, pour warm water on its claw. If this will not make it release, try using somewhat warmer water. This usually doesn't happen.

    The aquarium or other housing needs to be kept humid (approximately 55 percent) and about 73 to 82 degrees (Fahrenheit). Heat lamps shouldn't be used for this purpose; a heating pad or under-tank heater is preferable. Don't allow the sun to directly shine on them, use care in selecting a location where this won't occur at any time of the day. The gravel or sand in their container needs rinsing every four weeks. It should be thoroughly dried after being rinsed. Clean drinking water without any chlorine in it must always be available. Some crab breeds need water with salt in it.

    How to feed hermit crabs

    Hermit crabs will eat a variety of foods, including containers of dried hermit crab food (available at some pet stores and online), fish, small chunks of fruit, crackers, eggs, and pieces of vegetables. Feed them every other day of the week. Food that contains large quantities of salt or sugar should be avoided. Uneaten foods need to be removed before they become rotten. It is normal for them to bury some food in the sand or gravel and uncover it later.

    Hermit crabs and their their exoskeletons

    Occasionally a crab will leave its current exoskeleton behind, sort of like a snake shedding its skin. This also enables it to re-grow lost body parts. Don't be alarmed if the crab ceases moving around for several days or weeks while it does this. Never remove the exoskeleton; hermit crabs need to devour it for proper nutrition.

    Hermit crab shell care

    Is it dead?

    Use care when determining if a hermit crab has died; it may just be shedding the exoskeleton or sleeping. Usually dead crabs of this type produce an unpleasant smell. Possible causes of death include insufficient humidity or poor nutrition.

    Hermit crabs like to periodically change to a new shell. This is often because they have outgrown their current shell. Be sure to have three or four extra shells in their environment to use when this time comes, including at least one shell that is 1/3rd larger than its current shell. The shells shouldn't be painted; this can harm their health.

    Remembering to follow these tips on how to care for hermit crabs should help you ensure that your new pets live a long and healthy life.

    Hope this helped=) Good luck! Your best bet is to put it back at that beach....

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