
How do you take care of a peach tree?

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I have a peach tree that has wonderful tasting peaches on it but they are not many on it and most are wormy. What do I spray on them and when ? Do I need to prune it?




  1. Most garden centers have a general purpose fruit spray already mixed together just add water,also thin the fruit early in the season with 6 inches apart for each (think of a dollar bill length) this will give larger fruit, also plant more new trees cuz they aren't hardy they die early sometimes only live 10 years or so. Birds are a problem so maybe get a net to cover the whole tree, plastic nets work 100% and last years

  2. You can spray it with orchard spray after it had flowered, every 2 weeks until 10 days before harvesting. I only prune the dead branches in winter. Home grown peaches are wonderful tasting, once you have tried it , you never want those supermarket ones.

  3. It may need to be pruned to supply air and sun to most of the branches on the tree. You should spray for peach leaf curl twice per year, and for fungus as well. Copper hydroxide, bordeaux mix, and basic copper sulfate are good choices for this. You need to spray before bud break.

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