
How do you take care of a siamese fighting fish?

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I just recently received a siamese fighting fish (also known as betta fish) for my birthday.

I read a lot about them but still want to know how to properly take care of one. I also read that they shouldn't be kept in tiny aquariums contrary to popular belief.

So for anyone out there who has one of these fishes, what is a proper sized tank for a siamese fighting fish?

And further more, my room is air conditioned. Is it okay to keep the fish in the room while the A/C is on?

Seeing as this is my first time owning a fish I really want to do this right and not accidentally kill it in its first week! Help!




  1. A betta needs 5 gallon heated filtered tank to be happy and healthy.  They like the water temperature to be 80F at all times.


  2. We have about a 3gallon aquarium we keep ours in and have never had a problem with him. He is in our living room, so yes they can be in the room while the A/C is on. We have been owning ours for a few years now(he's getting old).  Their really easy to keep up, not hard maintenance or anything.

  3. betta's are pretty easy, most people think that you need at least a 2 gal tank, but i've kept one for years in a 2 liter tank, actually a bowl. (it doesn't take much to imitate their natural habitat in Thailand) but they have a tendency to jump out so have a lid or make the water level low. if you keep your room cold then a heater is necessary, 75-80 degrees. They accually dont like the flakes, pellets, 2 or 3 2 times a day. Some people like to fast their betta's one day of the week so clean out its system, haven't tried it but if that's something you want to do. also they love bloodworms and brine shrimp, if you want to treat them every once in awhile.

    hope it helps!

  4. i would not use anything under 5 gallons

    a filter is a good idea but not nesasery

    you also need:


    water onditioner

    betta food

    heater (there tropical)



    test kit

    the tank needs to be cycled. this takes atlest a month read up on fishless cycling

    i would return the fish untill the tank has cycled

    good luck



  5. ijust put mine in an average sized swimming bowl and let it swim. oh and feed it oh and i am warning u dont dangle ur finger above the bowl or it will pop out of da bowl. also dont put a mirror beside it bc if it sees itself it will go beserk also ugh  i advise u not to mate ur fish bc it could end up killing its spouse.  

  6. THANK YOU for actually doing your research! :)

    Bettas are fun and personable pets, and are pretty easy to care for.

    The minimum they can be happily kept in is 2.5 gallons. (Though 5 is best) With a heater set at about 78-82F. Your A/C on will probably make the water too cold and have a very lethargic fish. A good heater only costs about $15.

    They need a gentle filter. If you get one too strong the current will catch your bettas fins like wind catching a kite.. and that's no fun. lol.

    Sponge filters work well, but you can pretty much make any filter work if you tie some panty hose or something to where the water comes out to reduce the flow.

    A lid is also a good idea, as bettas are known to jump... but usually only if the water quality or living conditions are bad.

    Bettas do get easily bored, so make sure to have silk or real plants (plastic can tear their fins) to explore. They also like to rest on them and pretend they are a pretty little butterfly lol!

    My betta, personally, loves his little barrel cave and I can almost always find him swimming through the holes.

    I hope I helped and thank you for being such a good and responsible owner! :)

  7. well actually you can keep a betta anywhere but i put mine in a 2.5 litter tank and he is perfectly fine.

    yes, it is okay to have them in air conditioning but it would be best if it would be placed in 75-85 degrees like room temp.

    if you need to know to know more or see pics of my tank i have a website:  

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