
How do you take care of an unidentified baby bird?

by Guest57983  |  earlier

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My friend and I found a baby bird about a day old (i think) its eyes are still shut, and barely has any feathers. Two injuries: One wing is broken, and the other is scabing over. Both have blood on them. What should I feed it, and how do i care for its injuries untill we get it to a bird sancuary?




  1. This baby bird needs special attention right away.  These are needs you can not provide yourself.  Call your local wild life shelter or rescue line if you do not have a Audubon chapter in your city.  Do this right away!  While there may not be a bird sanctuary in your area, you can find a wildlife rescue group near you online.  In the meantime, keep the baby bird warm - for example, put in under a lamp, or in a place free from any drafts.  I assume you have it in a small box, lined with soft fabric.  You might try using a baby dropper to introduce water so the bird will not dehydrate.  Be sure to only give a few drops at a time.  I am sorry to say that baby birds this young do not usually live long at all out of the nest, especially since it sounds to be badly injured..  Do not put any medicine on the injuries!  Just keep it warm, and expect that it will not live long.  Hope this helps.

  2. Put the bird into a container with a soft base that is warm and dark. You can use a heating pad on low under the container. Use an eyedropper to give it Pedialyte to keep it hydrated.  Chicks that have experienced  stress like this need these two things most of all.  If you feel it is strong enough in the morning you can use watered down baby food, veggies are best.  But hopefully, you can get it to a rehab or a vet before you need to learn more.  Good luck!

  3. You can get it to a rehab ASAP....look here for one near you:

    If you are not experienced feeding baby could accidentally drown it just by giving it water...get it to an expert right away.

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