
How do you take care of droopy peace lily plant?

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How do you take care of droopy peace lily plant?




  1. the best way is to put it in bright lite but not direct lite give it a good soaking then let it dry out before watering again

  2. It depends,

      It could be drooping  because it is too dry.

      It could be drooping because it got too wet and the roots are rotting.

      It could be drooping from too much fertilizer.

      It could be drooping because of too much sun.

      It could be drooping because it got a root fungus from too much water.

       Really look over this list and see if you are doing any of these thing to cause your Lily to wilt.

  3. It can't take heat or direct sun.Water it weekly and it should do fine. It will not do well outside in the summer heat and sun.

  4. You should really keep it inside as a Houseplant.  They don't do well outside.  Also, put it in a dark corner of Your house.  It should perk up after a good watering. Put the whole plant in the sink and spray the leafs.  Make sure water comes out of the drain holes.  I use a little conditioner Of mayonnaise to make the leafs shiny!

  5. The only time my Peace Lily droops is when it needs water.

    Feel the soil and see if it needs a drink.

  6. These are 1 of the easiest plants to care for.  They thrive in full sun or part.  They normally only droop when they need water.  It should be in a pot with holes in the bottom.  Water it once a week, or twice if it starts to droop.

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