
How do you take care of hermit crabs?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i went to the beach this weekend and found a ton some hermit crabs i took them home. they are saltwater crabs not freshwater, obviously! So im wondering if how to take care of them now that they are home. what do you have to do? and how? what do they eat? give me anything plzz.




  1. they eat most things being scavengers by nature. meat, veg etc. they will need a wet sponge to keep them cool, and a shallow dish of saline water. i kept them as a kid, thats all i remember really!

  2. WAIT!  Before you put them in the sink with salt (and kill them)  go to this website.  It's all you need to know.  These folks have raised them for 30 years!

  3. wow ur funnyyyyyyy and brave !!

    okay go to the pet store get a cage and buy these sponge like put them under water than in there cages_the sponges are the water source for thirsy crabs.also they eat these weird crumble food its nasty ! also there prob.gonna die cause they need salt water ! so fill up your sink put a plug in it and then but salt in and let them swim around. dont fill it to high cause rumor has it:THEY CAN DROWN !

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