
How do you take up a situation when a "challenge" comes suddenly, allowing no time for preparation?

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How do you take up a situation when a "challenge" comes suddenly, allowing no time for preparation?




  1. just do what ur heart tells u too.. all will be ok :)

  2. Usually by overreacting.  Then I take a breath and try to analyze the situation rationally.

  3. The term is "Management". Manage all the resources efficiently. Give your best, time will change results in future become favourable.Try to handle things easily and simple.

  4. Just think it out man!! We all have brains we just gotta learn to EXPECT things to come up suddenly.The world isnt planned out ya know if someone just fired you from your job thats pretty unexpected but you should just realize that it could happen and live life 1 step ahead xD

  5. I just jump into it! I mean i just don't think abt the results. I feel that if u 've the determination then u can face any challenge (however difficult it may be) at any time!!!  

  6. This is the time of self-realisation of person's own ability and effectiveness.

  7. For one thing, you do the best you can with what intelligence you have and any training.

    For another, you can train ahead of time for several types of situations that might or likely will come up.  On the physical attack side, this is why people practice and learn martial arts.  The principle can be applied to anything.

    A clue, of course, to which situation to prepare for is the ones you have faced in the past.

  8. i take a second and evaluate my "challenge".  

  9. Evaluate the challenge. Just use ur wisdom and accept the challenge.

  10. Jump in with both feet and hope for the best, lol. Seriously though, it wouldn't be a challenge if we prepared too much for it. I also think that we need sudden challenges occasionally to keep us on our toes, so that we dont get too "routine". If we accept the challenge and all that goes with it, whether prepared or not, it should motivate us at least to new ideas and broaden our thoughts and knowledge...

  11. I think when something like this happens,

    you can either choose to face that challenge

    or simply turn away from it,but even if you turn

    away nothing gets accomplished except self doubt,

    so it's always good to try, depending on circumstances.

    Also another thing one can do is to meditate, this can prepare

    you mentally rather that physically.

    I hope this helps!!!

  12. Usually wherever I go, I bring some lube.  If there's no hole, I'll make one.

  13. CJ,

    Good question again. I am running out of time so I will try to be bit short here.

    My policy:

    1. If the situation is unknown...does it require a comittment?

    2. If such situations present frquently, the brain needs to be primed for it for full benifit. I mean you would need to anticipate that such situations can arise and test your self ocassionally for such challenges.

    Remind me later, if I forget to return..potentially a good discussion point,



    EDIT: Thanks CJ, for the reminder . Yes to elaborate, if you decide on an executive career,you will be facing these situations on a constant basis. Also true if you have to deal with people. can prime ones mind. Example:

    The Clintons practise challenging situations daily at the dinner table. After dinner one of 3 (as you know they are a family of three) subject to debate where the other 2 can field any kind of questions and even use personal abuse.

    Now, can you ever imagine any of the Clintons getting ruffled by abuse at press meetings !

    I believe we may not face new situations to have a database of strategies in our mind, but we can keep our minds in a state of preparedness.

    By the way CJ, I think we all at OurMehfil should have a joint blog. What do you say?

    I sometimes feel the kind of deep questions you ask on YA might get diluted in the morass of the multitude of inane questions (and Answers)...having a blog will give  a greater reach and satisfaction, plus editing can be done over an extended period. Do post your thoughts on our group and lets have a discussion on the pros and cons.

  14. Unfortunately, I am faced with challenges like that all the time at work.  At first I panic and then I calm myself down and take a methodical approach.  I put it all down on paper.  What needs to be done, the facts I have, the resources I need.  Then I go to my resources, get what I need real quick and do my work.  So much for the computer techie field.

    As for sudden personal challenges, well, I probably s***w them up mostly.  I do much better at work.  LOL!!

  15. with a cool heart,

    and surprisingly i find myself the winner.

  16. You must be prepared to face any challenge.You have to anticipate challenges and be ready always.That is the secret of success.

  17. Challenges are everywhere.its just our approach tpwards it that matters.i have faced many situations where i found myself standing in front of my fears.i wished i could run away but the problem is still unsolved.i try to plan my work and i work hard to finish it in a duration.that's the trick for me.cheers!!!!!!!!!!

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