
How do you take your Motorcycle to a mechanic if its DEAD?

by  |  earlier

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Im pretty sure my bike is dead, but I am screwed because I don't know where/how to take it to the mechanic.. I am unemployed and I really need this bike so that I can go out and get a job. But I don't have any money to be renting equipment to move my bike (nearest mechanic is like 4 miles away). And I don't know anyone with a truck or a trailer..

Im sure Im not the only one that has had this happen to them, If its happened to you before, how did you wind up getting it fixed?




  1. i dont know where you are but all of the bike techs here in alabama offer a pickup service for about a dollar a mile.........but like you said you have no job and no money so i guess you are screwed with a broke bike unless you have a friend fix it or do it yourself.............

  2. Ask some of your friends if they have aaa and see if they will let you use one of their tows to get the bike to the shop. Just make sure you tell the aaa operator it is a motorcycle and have someone prepared to pick it up i/e a flatbed maybe.

  3. Start pushing.

  4. Put it in neutral and start pushing.

    Or ask your family and friends if anyone has or has access to either a pickup or a trailer.

  5. If you ask the shop, they will probably help you get it to the shop. I would if I were them.

  6. Wow to be poor and broken down. I have pushed my 750cc Honda in 1976 over 4 miles with a broken chain. I feel for you sometime when things are at there darkest... Forget the platitudes your in a bad way. FLAT TIRE is something you cannot push. Sounds like public transportation until you can save up money. Ride a Bicycle walk but most of all get a job.

  7. with a pickup

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