
How do you take your foot out of your mouth when you think you've upset teenagers, while you were angry.?

by  |  earlier

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Oh boy, um I made some comments after reading some made by others. When they mistook my questions the people "ganged up" on me. Then I retaliated and made comments while angry. Seems I really upset some adults and some kids and I didn't mean to. I was just stating how I felt about the situation. So, how do I take my foot out of my mouth even though I feel the way I stated. I mean, I meant what I said but I know I shouldn't have added the extra comments when I felt like they ganged up on me. And, I didn't say who I was but...when asked, my son said it was me.




  1. Why are you apologizing for YOUR opinion?  If that was the way you felt about the issue then so be it.  There isn't anything wrong with your personal opinion...though your standpoint may change when listening to others.  This is Yahoo Answers...if people don't like what you have to say...let them vote on it...outside of that...they can all be as angry as they want.  If they don't like what you wrote...they will read something else.  Keep your head up!

  2. My mom gives them some space and when the moments right, she goes and tells my big sis that they can make a homemade favorite. And that just perks up my sister Lillian  

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