
How do you talk to mom and dad about circumcision?

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The title pretty much says it all lol.

I'm 17, been reading up on it for a while, and want it done. But I have no idea how to ask my parents, help ;p

My mom's a retired doctor, and tried to feed me BS when I asked if I could get my lip pierced (She said something about lip cancer....I don't think that exists?)

And she's catholic :(

Thanks in advance




  1. there is no problem in circumcision.. I'm sure your mother will let u do it.. u can even ask her if she can circumcise you cause she's a retired doctor.. its normal in catholic don't you know the jesus undergo a circumcision when he was living here on earth? its in the bible dude.. do it,, i have my circumcision when i was in 4th grade cause here in the philippines, we do it because of peer it there's nothing wrong with it..

  2. you should be thanking them, I wish my parents hadn't chosen it for me, when I found out about it I read everything I could, I know tons of information about and have read both pro and anti circumcision websites, I really wanted to believe it was good, but the truth just isn't there, you see and hear all these claims but if you ask for the actual study nobody has them or they are so old and used invalid techniques and would not even be considered for publishing, I wanted to believe it was good but if you look at both sides, circumcising without an immediate medical need makes no sense at all.

    I did f******n restoration restoring what was left (they do leave some f******n) but it's not all restorable, but what I was able to get back was great. but this came at a price, I can no longer see circumcision as cosmetic or as if it does not really matter, things that I thought were normal I only realized were problems after I restored and no longer had them, sexual enjoyment is way up. I can't imagine how much better the real thing is.

    people have said in relation to sexual pleasure




    and from my experience I agree with the cut/restored numbers

  3. If she is a retired Dr then it would be simple for you to explain ,why you want this done.

    And she has heard this question thousands of times:so would not worry about it.

    But be prepared for a lot of questions.

    Why?How so?Etc!

    Have your answers ready.


    Lots of success

  4. Why do you want to get circumcised?  And, why would you even ask them?  You are 17 years old.  If you are still under their insurance and still living as a minor then you are probably stuck for the moment.  Once you are on you own then your medical problems and your body become your own.

    I still wonder why get circumcised at your age?  There really is not a medical reason.  Just keep things clean down there.  Also, many men feel circumcision lessens enjoyment and sensitivity.  Many babies aren't circumcised these days because their is really a compelling reason.

  5. If you don't have a medical reason, DON'T. Why would you, because you researched and some douchebags that got cut up made it sound cool, come on get real.

  6. Just wait one more year and you can make that decision on your own. I personally would not do it, I have been intact since birth and would not under go any surgery that I dd not have to. What is the problem that you want to cut off part of your p***s>?

  7. I'm not sure why you would want to get it done if you've researched it! Evidently you didn't do a very good job. If it's only for cosmetic reasons, that's sad you don't like the look of your p***s, but have you considered the function of the f******n? You get more pleasure from your f******n than a guy without.

    It's pretty expensive if you live in the US, so just bring it up straight out. They might not let you do it until you are 18 and understandably might not want to pay in which case you will have to wait and do it yourself.


  8. Once you have it done, you can never go back.

    I am circumcised and I wish that I was left alone. You have no idea what it will be like after you've been cut for a year or right after it is healed so I don't think that it would be wise to do something like that.

    I am actually in the process of restoring my f******n non-surgically as I am extremely angry and disappointed that a healthy, functioning part of my body was removed for no good reason other than societal customs. This will allow me to look whole but only replaces some of what is lost.

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