
How do you tame a chinchilla?

by Guest33116  |  earlier

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Hello, I have a standard gray male chinchila called Duster. He is 3 months old. I want to know how to tame him. I would appreciate an answer from someone who has a chinchilla. Please answer.




  1. Moving to a new environment is stressful, even on the most socialized chins. For this reason, time should be taken to allow the chin to get used to their new cage so that they feel that they are safe in their new environment.

    There are a lot of new sights and smells in their new home to get used to as well and this is best done from inside a safe cage. The biggest mistake new owners make is taking a chin home and immediately beginning to take them out for play time. Even if the chin seems to be calm, he/she needs time to settle in. This is especially true of homes that have other pets living in them. Chinchillas are a prey species and as such may not show outward signs of stress until it is too late. Smells of other species, especially predatory species can be very frightening to a chinchilla. You may not think your cat is predatory, but the chin has no way of knowing this and will only go by what he/she smells. For this reason, I suggest that new owners give new chins a minimum of two weeks before taking them out for play time. This gives them time to feel comfortable and safe in their new cage.

    You can bond with them and interact with them from within their cage. Let them approach you however, do not reach in and "grab" them. If they climb onto your hand, then hold them. This time can be longer, depending on the chins particular personality, but two weeks should be a minimum.I know this is hard for new owners, however, it would be much harder if the chin were to end up dying due to the stress of his/her new environment.

    Chinchillas really do not make good pets for very young children unless they are supervised by an adult or an older child. Chinchillas are made of cartilage and can break easily if squeezed, and most children tend to want to squeeze them. So please be very careful.

    Facts Average life span: 8-10 years, up to 18 years Environmental temperature range: 60-75 F Body temperature: 97-100 F Gestation: 111 days Litter size: 1-5 (range), with an average of 2 Weaning age: 6-8 weeks

    Chinchillas make great indoor pets because they are odorless and their fur is so dense that they can not get pests such as fleas. Chinchillas also have no dander so people who are allergic to other pets can usually tolerate chinchillas without problems. They are very social animals, so if you only have one you will become its family.

  2. When I first got my chin I was afraid to touch him in his cage.

    So I grabbed an old t-shirt picked him up brought him in the bathroom.  He ran around, I just sat there he came close to me a bit, but I didn't reach out to touch him.  I talked to him, he would listen.

    Now I let him play in my hall way (a BIG tall cardboard box and the end with all of the doors closed)

    He runs does flips off the wall, runs to me when he messes up.

    Just don't chase him, he will think your a predador.

    Now I feed my chinchilla a raisin from my mouth!  he loves it!

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