
How do you teach a 2 year-old to stay off the road?

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How do you teach a 2 year-old to stay off the road?




  1. whip his *** he'll figure it out

  2. Go to the police station, and introduce your toddler to the police. Have them tell her that the street can be very dangerous. However, you always need to be watching her, because it's too early for her to really understand. It's not too early to teach them to listen, though. If you have to leave her anywhere minorly unsafe for a second, tell her "Her Name, stay here. Don't move. Is that understood?" Make her say yes. Then watch her. If she starts to walk, tell her "No. Mommy (Daddy) said don't move. If you don't listen, you will get a time out." Then leave again. If she moves, put her in a timeout.

  3. The only time I ever consider spanking is when my daughter won't hold my hand on the sidewalk. Safety trumps my no spank policy.

  4. why is it that kids are attracted to streets? I think its the cars, i have a 14 month old who is learning to walk.  I started taking him for walks holding his hands and he goes right for the street. When i direct him else where he throws a temper tantrum pulling my hair and crying, i usually distract him pointing to trees or planes lol. This is probably no help at all to you.

  5. I dont believe you can teach them yet. Of course, its never too early to warn them of the dangers of being in the street without mommy or daddy. Tell your child that they must NEVER go into the street, unless mommy is holding your hand. That being said, I wouldnt rely on these instructions. Every time your child goes near a street, tell them no. Reinforce this every time, and eventually they will learn.

  6. A 2 year old cannot understand the dangers of the street.  You need to never take your eyes off your two year old and stay close to him to make certain that he or she is going to stay off the street.  You can talk to him about it, but the bottom line is that a two year old is practically a baby, and cannot be responsible for keeping himself out of the street~~that's YOUR responsibility.

  7. i am so for shock collars when it comes to morbibly obese kids and kids who wonder...GET HIM ONE! and zap that F****r!

  8. who is the adult here come on tell him no are dont even open your door so he can go outside if he keeps doing this some one are some body will run him over and he will be dead is that what you want unless you are not the mother of this child do you have a fence and yard if not then have your husband built one so he cant go into the street

  9. start by showing him dead things like road kill ..then step on bugs and show him will squish you like a bug ..ect ..and then there is no more baby

  10. to young to teach you actually have to supervise them.

  11. My almost 2 yr old loves being outside, but didn't know her limits.  I resorted to 'toddler-speak'.  I used chalk to draw boundries on the sidewalk, and told her 'no road'.  Lots of praise and repition helped her understand that it was important.  I told her that the road was a 'big ouch' and repeated this everyday.  She will stop on the sidewalk if I warn her, but never be more than a few steps behind, as toddlers are fast and unpredictable.

  12. YOU have to supervise and monitor a two year old and keep them away from the road.

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