
How do you teach a baby 2 talk?

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My 12 month old says mom, dad, cup, ouch, uh ooh, yum, yuck, duck, dog, nap, no, bye bye, baba up, down, kitty,cat whats that?, moo(when I say whats a cow say) Hi, and what sounds like "thank you" when we give her things.....She also knows a lot of sign language (more, eat, I love you, milk, thank you)

How do try and get her to make sentences?I read to her all the time, will that help? When do toddlers usually talk well?




  1. Well you daughter is 12. Thats a lot of words for a 12 month old.

    I have to say music, sing, dance, read, and talk to her like a person.

    Your doing a good job. Just let it come to her. She wont talk in sentences until she is about 2.  

  2. Talk to her. All the time! She will love all the attention and she will hear all new words. Tell her what you're doing when you're just doing your everyday things.

    Reading is brilliant at all ages and this will definitely help.

    They usually pick up all sorts of words when you don't realise they are listening so take her to baby groups and to the park and surround her with words!

    The only thing is...once she starts talking she won't stop!! Good luck!

  3. She will talk in sentences when she is ready.  Just keep modelling language for her--talking to her and talking to other people around her.

    She sounds like she is right where she should be language-wise, both receptive and expressive.  You won't even notice when she really starts using sentences as it will be gradual then soon all the time--you'll look back and say "when did that happen?"

    If she starts losing words she has, let her pediatrician know and contact the local early intervention.

  4. It sounds like she is doing fine.  All kids are different, you can't compare them.  One of my daughters started talking at 7 mos, and was talking if full sentences when she was 1, writing her name when she was 18 months.  My other daughter was still calling me "da-da" (I'm the mom) when she was 2.  I think that by age 2 they should be able to string together three words.  Reading is great, don't stop.  I have always read to my kids and they are 15/10/6 now and great readers.  My 10 year old still likes to get read to sometimes and although it seems silly, it is a great bonding time, and then when I stop, she has to continue to find out what is going to happen next.

  5. children aren't "taught" to talk...the ability to learn is engrained in humans and talking is learned by listening...the time when kids start talking, the language area of their brains is way more active than the same area in our brains

    keep reading to her, don't use baby talk, use positive reinforcement when she uses a word correctly, don't over emphasize the use of sign language

    you're doing all the right things and her talking abilities will flourish...then you'll be asking how to get her to STOP talking :)

  6. from what i get just talk to them, and read and whatnot, and they will conect it themself when they are ready

  7. it will take time at 12 months they are not at the full sentence stage.. that doesn't happen until 2- 2 1/2 before you will be able to carry on a conversation

  8. At 12 months she is talking exactly as you would expect -- single words.

    You don't need to do anything special to 'teach' her to talk in sentences -- she will do it when she is developmentally able.  Just keep talking to her, reading to her, and being an attentive,  interactive mom.  

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