
How do you teach a cat to flush the toilet?

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My cat,Josie, has recently learned to pee and p**p in the toilet all on her own. I just walked in on her doing it one day and now she will only potty in the toilet. I am very proud of her for figuring it all out. I would love to teach her to flush the toilet too because I don't like seeing the p**p just sitting in the toilet. Does anyone have any ideas of how to teach her this? Thanks




  1. It is not recommended that you teach her to flush as cats can get obsessed with flushing and be doing it all the time, which is a big waste of water. Congrats on the toilet training! I am doing that now with my cat. Think now, the worse thing you will have to do for the rest of her life is flush after her!! No more litter, no lugging it around, cleaning the box or paying for it!! Congrats again!

  2. im not sure if this works on cats but when i train my dog...i do it and then get some food and then get her to do it and give her a treat

  3. she can be trained to flush the toliet just as you got her to use it. I wish mine would do it, I'm sick of cleaning the litter boxes. Show her where the handle is with her paw and help her push it down. If she doesn't run when the water starts draining, you have a good chance of teaching her to do this. If she runs when the water drains (noise may scare her), you will probably have to keep doing it. At least you know how isn't flushing in the family. Congrat's on getting her to do this.

  4. I had the opposite situation. I had to teach my cat to use to toilet, but his natural instincts to scratch and bury his waste led him to figure out how to flush on his own.

    It may work if you wet the flush handle and sprinkle some enticing kitty herbs on there (like catnip or other) then, let it dry so it sticks. This will bring her attention to it, hopefully enough to paw at it & try to get it off to eat it. Hopefully, eventually she'll continue to associate the good feeling with her toilet duty and continue to do it even without the herbs being there. Bonus, you don't have to stand around waiting for her to do her business. Also if you barge in, even with treats, you may discourage her from continuing to use the toilet because you've disrupted her privacy in what they really like to have as solitary moments.

    Hope this works for you, but remember, even if nothing does, you've got a LOT to be happy about seeing those little piddles in the toilet because you are saving a TON on work, litter and liner expenses. Good trade off :)

    Good Luck!

  5. Here's the infamous video. It's hilarious.

  6. ask robert de Niro

  7. I once owned a cat that would go in the toilet. And my father trained him to flush.

    Unfortunately, as others have reported, this amazed the cat to no end and he would flush the toilet constantly to watch the whirl pool and hear the sound.

    This caused us to remove the lever off of the toilet so that we all had to put it back on to flush. It was the only way to keep the cat from running up the water bill.  

  8. I wouldn't .... because the cats are fasinated...

    they will flush and flush.

    One person said they got a $300 water bill

    And if you check on You Tube you will find another one who claims they got a $500 water bill.  

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