
How do you teach a child if you have a bad temper and always?

by  |  earlier

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get very angry when she cannot answer questions properly?




  1. well maybe you need to take an anger managment class to help you it will clam you and help you to be patient because all kids learn differntly and respond differently.

  2. you need to be checked in the head!

  3. Well, you have to keep yourself calm for her. If she can't answer something properly, just sit down with her and tell her what the right answer is and why. I've read one of your other questions, so I'm assuming you are talking about your seven year old girl. When she starts school, inform the teacher(s) that she is having extreme trouble with her studies and tell the teacher(s) what she is having the most trouble with. They're trained to help your child understand. Just be gentle with her and don't ask her questions that are too complicated for her to understand. You can message me anytime if you want further advice. I would be able to give you a lot more advice if you told me more about what your daughter is learning and what she is having trouble with.

  4. take anger management

  5. You don't teach a child when you have a bad temper and get angry. Sounds like you need help with anger management issues. Get someone else to help the child until you get help yourself. The child needs a safe stable and calm environment. If you cant provide that them you should consider asking someone else to take the child for a while until you get help. The child deserves better.

  6. Teaching requires patience and understanding. If you don't possess those qualities, you won't be an effective teacher. And look at yourself, can YOU answer ALL questions properly? I highly doubt it, so don't expect perfection out of the child. Praise her for trying and for doing her best.

  7. sounds like you have issues and should seek out some sort of stress management therapy, or anger management.

    it's not the child's fault if they dont "ask questions properly".

    she's a CHILD. they are still LEARNING how to communicate. and if you are being angry and losing your temper w/ are TEACHING her that that is how to communicate w/others.

    i suspect that's how you learned to behave as such.

    get some sort of counseling before your anger does damage.

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