
How do you teach a child to write a number 3?

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I have a 4 year old son and I am trying to get him ready to start school. I am trying to teach him how to write letters and numbers and he is having trouble with the number three. how do you explain how to write a 3?




  1. have him trace the number many times and repeat this

    "around a  tree

    and around a  tree

    this is how we make a three"

    then do the 3 dots and he can connect the dots and repeat the same rhyme

    then he can write it without tracing or dots...just the rhyme

    then in a while he can do it without the rhyme

    lots of practice!

  2. draw it yourself (no. 3) and have him write over your number 3, then move on to connecting dots of the same number and more practice. Goodluck.

  3. let him copy it from the wall clock or any clock... that's how my kid started to write the numbers :)

  4. I draw one, and then say "See, they're ears!"

  5. I posted this for a previous question...these are little poems/chants that some teachers use when teaching number formation. The trick is to the use the same wording each time...not only when you model it, but as the child makes it...have the child say the chant to reinforce the concept.

    I will often write a number in a yellow or gray crayon or marker, and have the child draw over my example...just be sure to correct mistakes as they happen, so the child doesn't learn is harder than learning right the first time.

    Most of all...have patience, it'll come.

    Number 1

    is like a stick

    A straight line down

    that's very quick!

    For number 2

    go right around

    Then make a line

    across the ground!

    Go right around

    What will it be?

    Go round again

    to make a 3!

    Down and over

    and down some more

    That's the way

    to make a 4!

    Go down and around

    Then you stop

    Finish the 5

    with a line on top!

    Make a curve

    Then a loop

    There are no tricks

    to making a 6!

    Across the sky

    and down from heaven

    That's the way

    to make a 7!

    Make a "S"

    And then don't wait

    Climb up again

    to make an 8!

    Make a loop

    And then a line

    That's the way

    to make a 9!

  6. Can't you have him watch as you write out the number?  This is one of those numbers they'll often get backwards for a while, like the number 5 and the letter S.  

    You could also do a dotted sketch of threes and have him trace them, filling in the lines to make the number.  I had my daughter practice writing this way.  Tracing is very effective, plants the image of the number or letter in their mind.

  7. there are special printable sheets that your child can practice number formation on. if you can not get one, you can draw the number 8 and tell him to erase half of it to get the number 3. make sure he erases the right half though. in addition, you can draw dots on lined paper and make him "connect" the dots. that's how i learned to write the number 3, and all the numbers, in fact.

  8. Turn the paper on its side and have the child/help the child to draw two humps.

  9. There are a number of website with free printable sheets that can be used to help you or you can check out a school supply store to see if they have workbooks for your child's age.

  10. Tell him to make an E.  Most kids make it backwards, so then you'll have your 3! :)

  11. Start with a circle. Next draw another circle - but make it an oval instead. Next, draw a line horizontally through the circle. Next, let the child trace onlyu the right half of the oval with the line. Pretty soon, they will perfect the 3.

    Or, can draw it several times - each time taking part away and let them keep tracing until they are writing it on their own.

  12. Tell him that it is half of a four leaf clover, or just tell him to draw to humps, thats how I learned.

  13. I would make a # 3 which is about 2 inches on paper and have him trace it with his finger. You could hold his hand as he traces it so that he gets used to the way his pencil/crayon should move. Once he is feeling confident with tracing with his finger, you can show him how you would trace it. with a pencil, marker or crayon Then have him trace the # 3 you have written on the paper. He can write with a crayon, marker or pencil.........whichever he considers more fun. After he is able to trace the number you wrote you would make the #3 for him to trace but yours would be written with dotted lines. Once he can make the number by tracing the dotted  lines ones, you would make just have three vertical dots which he would use to help him make the number. During this entire process you must remain calm and make it a very positive experience. If you find yourself getting frustrated, it is time to stop for the day. Remember that your child will be learning to write numbers in school, and there are some children that are not ready to write numbers before they start kindergarten. So, if your child is having a lot of problems with this skill, it would be better for you to have him spend time drawing and writing randomly on paper so that he develops his fine motor skills before he starts school. Another way of accomplishing this is with having him use play-doh and stringing large beads. Hope this helps. Remember to enjoy this special time in your  child's life. As a mom of 3 adult children, I can say that time really flies by cherish every minute you have with him right now.

  14. I would suggest dotting out the number using a bright crayon and have your child trace over it.  If he knows his left and right directions, you might have him hold up his right hand and tell him that the thumb will always point to the left.  The reverse of this will help him remember the letter E always points to the right.  As he becomes more adapt at tracing, spread the dots out and gradually stop using them completely.

  15. Use a poem.  I use AROUND THE TREE, AROUND THE TREE, THATS HOW WE MAKE THE NUMBER THREE.  Have him trace some threes, then use dots.  Three dots, where he starts, middle, then where it ends.  He will get it.  Kudos to you on working with him at home.  I wish more parents were like you.

  16. or 3 dots, and connect them with archs/humps

  17. tell him its two C's backwards connecting.

    Or hold his hand and trace the 3 or do some dot to dot

    3's and let the child trace over them

  18. i used tracing at 1st with my son then he started making them by himself.. good luck..

  19. Make sure he is holding his pencil correctly , then put your hand over his and make a 3. Don't worry, I've never known anyone to grow up and still not know. My 10 year old did the same thing, and come to think of it ,I think it was also with 3's. It'll be ok ! You can also try making it with food, like licorice or something. Good luck !!!

  20. straight lines....and 0's  




    then i am sure he knows how to draw a circle...tell him to draw smiley faces by the lines or zeros that will help him with his numbers as well  

    What i am trying to say is to put a zero where the curl on the 3 is supposed to be and a line in the middle..then you get them to change from the 0 to a half 0 with a line in middle....

    invest in a small chalkboard and taught my child and my niece wonders!!  kids love that!  i cannot show the line and 0 theory well on here..try it on the chalkboard....

    i cannot put it altogether to look correct in this forum so i hope you can get the visual....

    if he needs help with learning how to draw a line........

    show him the difference between a line and a scribble....

  21. try telling him to make two upper case letter C' on top of the other

  22. I learned this by crawing 2 circles and tell her they are cookies. Say that he has 2 cookies. But one of his freinds wants a cookie but he only wants half of one. So tell him to erase half of the cookie. So yo have 1 1/2 cookies left. So his other freinds askes for a cookie and she wants half a cookie as well. Then erase the other half of the full cookie. And tell him what he sees. Abra Kadabra. The number 3! And the reawrd. A big, crispy cookie!

  23. Try   making the number 3 with dots and have him connect the dots to form a 3.

  24. Hold the pencil with with ur son or you write it down and have him trace it!!!! That should work.

  25. Practice, practice, practice.

  26. Try writing a 3 then have him trace it.  Also you could try holding the pencil and have him hold the pencil and you write a 3, he could get the feeling how to write a 3.

  27. Maybe you can start by drawing three dots at the meeting points and have him make two 'bellies' connecting them.




  28. please do not go on to #3 until this little genius has shown mastery of 1 & 2!!!!

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