
How do you teach a dog to stay and ride in the bed of a truck?

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He's 11 months old. Is he too old already?




  1. You don't - this is way too dangerous. Your dog could fall out in an accident or see something and jump out and be lost or killed. Put him in a crate or let him ride in the seat with you. It's actually against the law in some places to do that. Good luck and be safe, both of you!

  2. No.  You do not teach him to do this. Ever.  What if the car in front of you slams its brakes on?  What if someone sideswipes you?  What if you get rear ended?  That dog is going right out the side of the tailgate.

  3. Don't put your dog in the bed of your truck.  It isn't fair to him.

    If you stop quickly, he could hurt himself.  What happens if he sees a cat while you're moving, or stopped at a light?  Anything could trigger his instincts and make him jump out (after something).

    It's just not a good idea.  Your dog will really appreciate it if he can ride in the cab with you.

  4. never!!! it is not safe! its like tying a toddler back there! get yourself a crate and put him in there or let him ride in the cabin with you. havent you heard the horror stories of dogs being tied up and leaping over the side and getting there neck snapped? horrible horrible idea.

  5. that`s not safe I wouldn`t do it he could fall out and get killed let him ride inside the truck

  6. its not safe for a dog to be loose in the back of a truck

  7. You don't. You keep your dog in the cab with you where its SAFE. In most states its now illegal to drive around with your dog in the back of a truck either free or tethered.

  8. NEVER put your dog in the back of a truck.

    You have no idea how many times I've seen dogs jump out of them and get killed on the highway.  

  9. Since this is not a safe place to be, I don't think you should teach him this.  It is not legal to allow a person to ride in the truck bed (because they are not seat belted in).  It is also required that all loads in a truck bed be secured so they do not pose a hazard to other drivers.  If the dog must ride as "cargo", then he should be in a crate that is secured to the truck bed.

  10. You DON'T! Please! I nearly ran over a dog who fell out of a truck in front of me. Poor dog rolled and rolled on the hot pavement before limping away.

    ADD- I even have a harness for my dogs inside the cab- Yesterday I didn't use it, and had to slam on my brakes. My 50 lb AmStaff almost slammed into the dashboard! I wish I'd used it. I will use it EVERY time no matter what now.

  11. It is illegal in most places for a dog to ride in the bed of a truck.

  12. Please don't leave your dog loose in the back of your truck. What happens when you have to stop fast???

  13. The bed of a truck is not a safe place for a dog. Do you let children ride back there? Anything can happen and they can jump out, get thrown out, etc. If you want to take your dog with you, then please keep it in the cab.  

  14. You don't.

    You buy a proper cross tie and secure him.

    Just because you teach him doesn't mean he'll stay put if, say, there's a cat to be chased, or an accident, sound or another animal that freaks him out.

    Just like babies need car seats, and you need a seat belt, dogs need cross ties in the bed of a truck.

    Better yet, secure a kennel into the truck bed.  It offers more security and a feeling of safety for the dog.

  15. A dog riding in the back of a truck not properly tied in or in a crate in unsafe for you the dog and other drivers. Never assume your dog will not jump out. Even if you live on some back road where no one is this can still lead to the death of your dog. In some states it's against the law for a dog to ride loose in the back of a truck. My cousin lost his dog this way the dogs jumped out and was run over. My friends dog would ride in the back of the truck but not properly tied in the dog jumped out and my friend did not know it the tie was just long enough for the dog to get over the side of the truck and his feet just reached the ground. Some lady saw the dog bouncing off the road because the dog could not run fast enough by the time my friend realized this was no crazy woman honking at him and he pulled over his dog looked like it went through a meat grinder. Yes the dog lived but it left Jim with a hefty vet bill. So for the safety of your dog let him ride with you or get a crate for the back of your truck and put him in it.

  16. Don't know where you live, but it is illegal in the state of FL. They can and will pull you over and take your dog away.

  17. Even just going from one side of the farm to the next you do not have them riding loose in the back of the truck. The best way is to get a create and have him ride in that because you never know what might catch his interest and cause him to jump out. My friend lost a dog that way he jumped out on a trip from the barn to the house and she ran over him.

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