
How do you teach an 8 year old multiplication tables?

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Websites with video explanation will be great, too!




  1. dont let the kid go 2 school

  2. When I was little my mom got a bag of skittles. Then she would split the candies up for a visual. Example: for 3 x 2 she would make 2 groups with three skittles in each and then 3 groups with two skittles in each. She made both of these groups to show me that both are the same and that when you say 3 x 2 it means that you have 3 groups with 2 in each group.

    This really worked for me because I'm a huge visual learner (I always have to write math problems down before doing them). But the main reason it probably worked is because if I payed attention I got the candy when we were done ;). Just think out of the box and come up with creative ideas, kids like new and creative things. Good luck!

  3. I remember what my teachers did, and I believe it's the best way. Try to rhyme all the problems, and have 'em try to remember them. Associate it with a visual also, like write 6x8=48 on a flash card, and say it. You're kid might get bored, but if you could do that for 20 minutes or so every day for a little while (I don't remember how long we did it for, but I remember it was in 3rd grade 20 min every day in our class), and they'll just remember the rhyme and be able to remember all of them.

  4. Honestly, I found that Math U See Gamma did the trick.  Being able to visualize the chart as they went through it on the DVD, and being able to build out the patterns, worked so well for him.  Also, the teacher on the DVD (Steve Demme, who wrote the program), tells them all sorts of great tricks for figuring out and remembering the times tables.  Totally worth it :-)

  5. Start with repeated addition and make sure they can convert back and forth:







    And the reverse:


    Once that is understood, you can start working on the actual multiplication. There are so many ways to go about it. You can focus on just one table at a time, or even on just a couple of facts at a time. Some people swear by simply having the child fill in the 10x10 grids repeatedly (requires the child to do the repeated addition), others swear by doing it orally, others swear by using flash cards, etc.  Only take to this step once the child knows HOW to figure out the multiplication.

    ADDED: To Mr. Z.: "public schools teach them a lot earlier than 8". That is soooo funny because it certainly isn't true. Most places start requiring memorization of the times tables in gr. 3, when kids are usually 8 and 9. How do I know this? I'm a former elementary teacher who TAUGHT gr. 3 and followed our provincial curriculum, not only that, but as a homeschooling mother I'm aware of what our provincial curriculum currently is and they only start memorization in gr. 3 (up to 7x7) and are expected to know the rest in gr. 4 (so, when they are 9 and 10). Of course, not that this means much: my husband teaches jr. high math and has more and more students each year who do NOT know their times tables.

  6. Yes, you can teach them. This isnt really what you are looking for, but just have your child write down each one 100 times on a sheet of paper. Eventually, they will remember them. Also, try to make memory ways to remember each one. Tell them that 9 multiplication trick, and stuff.

  7. practice

  8. Besides the math web sites I have posted on your other question we also use a lot of board games, and computer software.

    One that my son liked a lot was Math Blasters (3), he had to type in the answers to the multiplication tables to get points to be able to shoot down aliens, and asteroids; it worked well.

    Here are two web sites that carry the board games, and computer software, maybe you will find something that works.

    Good luck.

  9. my mom just quized me a lot. lol.

    First we would do the ones.  (for the first 1 or 2 weeks).  like uhh... "1 times 1 is?"  (ONE!)   "1 times 2 is?"   (TWO!).

    Then do the same for the other numbers....... =)

    Just quiz him.   =)  it's best to memorize than having to use your fingers... =/

  10. Just send them to a public school.  Public schools teach them a lot earlier than 8 years old.  You way behind.

  11. First you need to explain the concept.

    Three times four actually means three sets with four objects in each set.  Use counters to visually show him or use drawings.  Memorizing facts doesn't mean anything until he understands the concept of what multiplication is.  Have him visually show you with counters or drawings what five sets of four each look like.

    Then it is practice. All the time since he was four or five you should have been skip counting. 5,10, 15,20, etc.  Do it with 2s, 5s, 10s, 11s, 3s. That helps kids learn the tables.  Then just practice.

    Play games to keep it interesting.  DIce are great and so are card.  Choose two cards and multiply them. (take out face cards) That is your score.  Keep a running score for you and child.  Make it a game.

    Do the same with dice. They only go to 6, but they are fun too.  Play war for tokens.  Your two dice multiplied versus his two dice multiplied. Winner gets the token.  At the end the winner is the one with the  most beans or pennies or whatever.

    Make grids of 11 by 11 on your computer.  Put 1-10 in the grids and have them do it daily for all the times tables until it is easy. When they get better, mix up the numbers, so they aren't in order and have them do it daily.

    Practice, practice, practice.  You can do it in fun ways, but it is the only way to learn them.

    I am a great believer that early math like this should consist of mostly games with little paperwork each day.  Just find ways to make up games to practice them.  Buy fun foam or index cards and put times on them like 6x8.  Have each person pick one.  If the kid gets it right he keeps the card or piece of foam.  At the end of the game the person with the most cards wins. Just play games.

    Another neat thing to do is get a piece of constructin paper and write a number in the middle in a circle like 48.  He has to write out math facts that would make 48. Ten time four plus 8..... 6x8......12x4.....etc.  The more he contributes the more freetime he gets on the computer or whatever. If he is resistant to practice, incentives help.

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