
How do you teach kids how t tell time?

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How do you teach kids how t tell time?




  1. We use a big clock out school got us from Lakeshore.  I taught them hour hand first & telling to the hour.  they used the clock and their own little clocks to practice.  Repeat this with half hours and so on.

  2. Teaching time involves teavhing how to use both face and digital clocks.  Students of most ages and disabilities can learn time skills at their own rate.  Students need to be able to recognize the numerals 1-12.  With that foundation, on face clocks emphasize the hour hand first and ignore the minute hand.  On digital clocks have students note the hour digits and ignore the minutes.  Worksheets and clocks that the students can handle are helpful.  Spend a lot of time on hours before going on to half hours, quarter hours, five minutes, and minute increments.  Use common events to personalize learning, such as times to get up get on the bus, start school, have lunch, and go to bed.

  3. Steve has the best answer but I just want to add to it. If you have a class of students or even your own use a paper plate write the numbers on it then punch a whole in the middle cut out arrows for the large and small hands then use one of those little prong things to put the hands on the clock. Make one for yourself as well and then use it like the other person said to relate time to doing things. Like reading time, outside play time, lunch etc...

    Have fun and good luck

  4. show them a digital clock and analog clock and tell them how to read it. use flashcards with the other side telling them the time

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