
How do you teach someone with learning disabilities?

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How do you teach someone with learning disabilities?




  1. You need to be much more specific. The range of learning difficulties is so vast and can never be the same for two people.

  2. soem techniques are

    to use a multisensory approach (Orton Gillingham/Miller reading programs)

    breaking down tasks insto smaller steps

    providing a window to isolate teh text being read

    oral examsdirections

    extra time

  3. It is completly depends on individual student.  Student has different interest areas and they learn faster in their own favorite subject.  but other student might not learn faster in the particular subject.  so it depends on what level of learning disability  and what are the areas of interest

  4. You teach a learning disabled student through his/her strengths while improving the weaknesses. Learning disabled students may have problems in reading, writing, &/or math. There are a few other areas that do no occur as often.

    You must teach strategies to help the person overcome the weaknesses. It usually takes many repetitions (15 or more) of information.

    There are any number of classroom accommodations and/or modifications that can be applied. Change the environment may be move front and center, remove from large groups, earplugs, noise-blocking headphones, etc. Modify assignments, grades, testing, etc.

    There are also many different approaches. Some students require written directions while others must hear them. Some students remember  using mnemonics like "DMSB", or silly sentences like "Dirty monkeys smell bad", which is used to remember long division - divide, multiply, subtract, bring down.

    This is a short list of many options and approaches that have been used successfully.

  5. It depends on the individual as there is a wide range of learning disabilities!

    Try using-


    Practical learning

    small step by step

    visual leraning ect

  6. It really depends on the disability and behavior of the person. I have worked with many types of special ed studnets from those who wear diapers, to those who are totally independent.

  7. It really depends on the student.  The range of students with learning disabilities is pretty vast.

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