
How do you teach/train a dog to smile/play dead?

by  |  earlier

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I've successfully taught my dog to sit, lay, stay, roll over, speak, and "leave it" (like if I drop something on the floor).

But I'm at a complete loss as to how to teach a dog to smile. Another one I'd like to teach her is to play dead.

Any tips/links would be appreciated!




  1. Firstly - I am glad to see somebody who take their dog's training so seriously :]


    Just find his pleasure points as they will smile when you find the exact spot that just loves to be scratched.

    Make him drool.

    Engage the dog in an activity he loves like fetch, playing with other dogs etc.

    Then use the command smile/grin while he is doing so and reward him. This trick take time - about 4 months for an average dog but its an amazing trick!

    Play Dead.

    First give him the down command and see which is the side that he leans more to then using the command 'play dead' gently push him to the floor until he is lying and then tell him to 'wait' and reward him after saying 'play dead'

    For both of them just continue to practice this over and over.

    Use a happy singsong voice and lots of positive reinforcement. Eventually, your dog will understand :]

    Good luck!

  2. if u want him to play dead:

    it's like a 1/2 roll over.  lure him with a high value treat to the position u want and then say "yes".  repeat this a few times and then add "play dead" command.  always end on a good note.  if your dog is doing great then stop.  a few short sessions is better for a dog then 1 long session.  good luck.

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