
How do you tell a coworker to shut up?

by  |  earlier

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I have a nosy coworker who contiually talks, talks over and inserts her opinion wheither you ask it or not. The funny thing is you don't even have to be talking to her. She will make herself part of the conversation. On the other hand she tries to be helpful and is a nice person. I don't want to hurt her feelings just want her to stop talking so much!




  1. Put your fingers in your ears.

  2. Things You’ll Need:

    Direct manner

    Phone, preferably with a headset


    Papers strewn about your desk

    Sign that tells people to go away (last resort)

    Step 1 Start simple. Tell the person you really enjoy chatting with them but you have a lot of work to do.

    Step 2 When telling the coworker you are busy does not do the trick, act the part by ignoring them and intently gazing at the computer screen, stapler or papers strewn about your desk.

    Step 3 If the coworker still doesn’t get the hint, yelp out a surprised, “Oh, no!” ask the coworker to please excuse you and grab the phone while muttering about a phone call you forgot to make earlier and must make this instant.

    Step 4 Keep a sign handy that reads: “Unless you are bleeding from the head, please do not disturb. I am on deadline.

    Thank you.” Hang that sign in a most visible area when you are adamant about not being disturbed. Use this sign sparingly, however, or it will lose its impact

    Hope this works!!!

  3. I just had a discussion with one of my co-workers in June similar to this. I wasn't mean.  I didn't say shut-up.  I explained her behaviors to her.   She really didn't know that she was doing the things she was doing.  I also told her about her nice qualities too. It was rough but I found a few.  Everyone was talking about how she had changed.  Yeah, she cried a little after we talked. But she was a lot better and even took me out to lunch.

  4. Step 1: Go to coworker

    Step 2: Tell said coworker to shut up

    Step 3: ???

    Step 4: PROFIT!

  5. How do you tell a Y!A participant that if one wants to have a private conversation then one should go somewhere private? The lady is not a television. If you are having a conversation that she cannot help but overhear, then you must recognize that she is entitled to participate. Maybe this is her polite way of letting you know that she'd really rather not be force to overhear your conversations.

  6. Well you don't tell any coworker to "shut up".

    First, I would ask whether these conversations you are having that she becomes a part of are personal or business-related. If they are personal I would suggest saving them for a private lunch with your friends or after hours.

    If they are work-related conversations I would suggest the following-

    try to have them away from her earshot.

    try to speak quieter so she can't hear as well.

    if she interrupts or talks over you try to just ignore her, if you can do so politely. If not maybe you can say, "thanks for the help, but we have the situation under control" and smile when you say that. Don't act like she is a pest. "Always be diplomatic. It will help advance you in your career.

  7. tell them

    mind there own business or smackem

  8. This one is tough because she butts in whether you are talking to her or not. Have you tried ignoring her? The next thing you could do is try having a private chat with her--let her know you think she's a nice person and all but that she is invading all conversations and that it is rude. Let her know people will enjoy her more if she can learn to regulate her mouth a little more. Sometimes talking to someone and being direct--as long as it is private--is the best approach. It doesn't always work, but it's worth a shot.

  9. I really need to focus and concentrate can we chat at lunch time or during a break?

  10. Just look busy and mumble to yourself

    or hum.

  11. Keep it light. Next time she butts in to a conversation...just laugh and say girl, you talk more than anybody I know! (All in a joking kind of way, you have to handle these situations right). Say stupid things like,  I bet you came out of the womb talking, or, I swear, if there's any duct tape around here, I'm going to put it over your mouth. OR! I bet you could talk through a d**n hurricane. Just say it like you would to a sister or brother or w/e. She may kind of have the wounded puppy look for a while, but you aren't being cruel, you're just pointing something out to her. She probably has no idea that she is that way.

    You know what I mean!

    Best Wishes!

  12. Be like "Oh, hold on, could I please talk to you on our lunch break? I'm in the middle of this and really need to get it done..."

    Hope this works!!!

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