
How do you tell a female to a male crested gecko

by  |  earlier

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i need to now the difference or you can tell me go to my other question




  1. almost impossible to tell until they reach sexual maturity.... but when they do trust me you'll know it. the males will have huge (relatively) testicles, and the girls will not, lol.

  2. Looks like a girl from here ^_^ Boys are very manly, is usually really easy to tell when they're older. :P

  3. You can tell the male from the female by the hemipene bulges or lack there of behind the cloaca vent. check the link below for a visual example.

    Male on the left, female on the right.

  4. i have both a male and a female and i can see easily the difference. when your crestie will be about i think at least 8 month you will see that the male have big bulges at the bottom of it's tail .You can look on that websiteat the bottom of the page to see that the difference it's very evident:

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