
How do you tell a loved one your sick of their addiction?

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a loved one has an addiction with meth and I'm finding it really hard to tell that person what i think. They deny having a problem at all and they just have gotten mad in the past when we have confronted them. Please help this is tearing me apart.




  1. You need to let him or her know that as long as they're doing meth to stay away from you, They'll steal from you or anyone else to help support their habit. It's dang tough to get off meth if already hooked on it. I know a guy thats on his 4th trip to prison, he gets 2 or 3 years at a time, and he did 4 or 5 on one trip. And this guy will be doing meth on his 2nd day out of prison. His brothers and sister don't want him coming around anymore because he steals from them, and he kept his mom and dad broke and sent both of them to an early grave.  Elois wasn't lying, a meth head will drag you down, and they'll steal you blind.

  2. My sister had the same problem, she went to rehab and shes now clean. It took some very TOUGH love. Sometimes you gotta be the bad guy....Tell this person thats it hurts you and you worry because you love them. Ask them if they wont do it for themself, would they do it for you. Good luck.


  4. you don't have to subject yourself to their lifestyle.just tell them before they drag you down because they will try to drag you down

  5. Their ego will not let you tell them what they are doing wrong so let them know what their actions are doing to you. Let them know that when they act this way you feel a certain way. Keep away from their ego.

  6. This is what groups like Alanon is for. My daughter and her husband were deep into meth a few years ago and lost everything-including custody of their beautiful children. It was only by going to the meetings that kept the rest of us fairly sane. As you know,confronting them doesnt do any good until they're ready to acknowledge their addictions. It took a long time,but they are a family again, so it can be done.  You and the rest of your family need to take care of yourselves and leave getting off drugs to your loved one. You can let them know that,no matter what,you still love them. I dont know how religious you are,but prayer helped us immensely. I'm going to wish you more than luck with this and if it doesnt offend you-God bless you.  

  7. You could just ignore the addiction problem and hope that your loved one doesn't end up dead, in prison or in a mental institution. You can also hope that someone else doesn't get killed, due to the fact that the Meth world is a whole different world! I don't know who this loved one is...a spouse, child, parent or whatever but since people using Meth are very unpredictable, and can be violent, if there are ANY children involved, GET THEM OUT! I know people don't think things are as bad as they really are, while they're actively in their addiction, so it's very difficult to show them reality! Whatever you do or however you decide to deal with it, it's a very important decision to do SOMETHING. First and most importantly take care of yourself. Get as much information as you can on this subject and get support from other people. When you're ready to confront you're loved one, please don't do it alone! Addicts, in their addiction, are manipulative and self centered. An addict may care a lot, deep down inside but while they're using, their addictive substance will ALWAYS come first. Remember...No matter what they say, it's NOT your fault. Also, There is a lot of help out there and many, many success stories of people getting and staying clean and sober so don't ever give up on them!  NOTHING will MAKE them stay clean, they have to WANT it. An addict WILL NOT quit until THEY ARE READY TO DO IT THEMSELVES!

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