
How do you tell between a male and female Russian Tortoise?

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i have a russian tort and the bottom of its shell has a triangle going in. is it a girl or boy?




  1. If the tail is long then it is male

    if the tail is short then its a female

    (link shows pictures)

  2. I wouldn't know how to s*x a 'russian tortoise' but i have turtles myself and i have 3 boy turtles. The way 'I' can tell is because their shells curve in so they can sit on top of a female with ease (to you know make baby turtles)

    Hope this  helps

  3. it is really hard to tell the s*x of a tortoise until it is about 5 years of age, the best way is to look at the tail a females is short and dumpy and almost triangular in shape, a males is longer and thinner and he will tend to keep it too one side as he walks here is a picture so you can see the difference between males and female the sits i have given you is also good for the care on russian tortoises as well hope it helps  males do get a concave bottom shell so if your tortoise has a dip in the bottom shell it couldbe male but some females can have this as well so it is best to go on the tail shape when sexing tortoises best of luck honey.

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