
How do you tell if a camera is an SLR camera?

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it is a minolta 35mm, not a digital




  1. Not all SLR cameras are digital, you have a digital SLR ( DSLR ) and a film SLR ( just an SLR ) SLR means single lens reflex which means you can swap out lenses, and replace them to alter the quality you'll get from the camera. You have different lenses for different photo-shoots.

    There's an easy way to tell.

    Is it larger than most cameras?

    can the lens come on and off?

    That's basically how you tell.  

  2. You look at the lenses. It's the easiest way to tell. SLRs have lenses that are bigger and are adjustable, unlike digital cameras. You can also change lenses on the SLR.

  3. look up the model number on the web and get the spec

  4. I looked it up, It is an slr

  5. its Big than usual digital camera

    it usually come in black color

    u can open the lens,to change for other lens

  6. An SLR or single lens reflex camera will have easily removable lenses. You will also look through a viewfinder that looks through the lens and not a spot to the side of the lens on the camera body. If you remove the lens from the camera and look inside you will see a mirror and a black curtain or shutter behind it. When you look through the viewfinder what you are seeing is the image coming through the lens and reflecting off the mirror and up to the viewfinder. When you press the shutter release buttom the mirror flips up (reflex) and the shutter (curtain) opens up and exposes the film or sensor.  

  7. Find the model name and number, then look it up.

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