
How do you tell if a cat is happy?

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Dogs wag their tails, what do cats do?




  1. They cannot tell us they are unhappy or distressed so it is up to us, as owners, to do the detective work. Here are a few examples of what you should be looking for.

    A happy cat:

    has a shiny coat denoting good health and regular grooming

    has an interest in his or her surroundings

    is active and lively

    is responsive when approached

    has a good appetite but doesn?t overeat.

    An unhappy cat:

    has a dull coat denoting lack of grooming

    is inactive

    has changed his or her normal patterns of behaviour

    has lost his appetite or suddenly started to overeat

    sleeps more than usual.

    A very unhappy cat:

    will vocalise more than normal

    will pace and be very restless

    is jumpy and nervous

    will start to spray urine or soil indoors

    becomes very dependent or withdrawn.

  2. cats start purring a lot and follow uu ... theyy usee their bodies too tell u thatt theyy are happy and want more..

  3. When it's tail is straight up and sometimes it slowly swishes around.  Also when they are purring or kneading a pillow or blanket. There eyes are also wide open, there ears straight up, and are playful (:

  4. there happy when they r purring..

  5. When they're purring, when they rub against you, and play with you. Some cats won't be as active when they're happy, but you can mostly get a kind of "happiness" coming off them I think. My cat was really active so it was easy to tell when she was happy, so I'm not sure.

  6. Purrring... kneeding... whiskers forward = play

    sleeping, smiling...

  7. its almost the same as people. we def know  when people are not happy and the same with cats. cats are very easy to please and usually an unhappy feline will let you know about it.  

  8. Happy cats will have their ears and tail pointing upwards and they will purr and rub against you and may look up at you and meow.

  9. My cat Tagalong, used to slowly wag her tail back and forth when I did something for her that she liked. Sometimes I would fold a crocheted afghan and lay it on the bed so she could sleep next to me, she would wag her tail for that every time.  

  10. Cats use body language to tell how they are feeling.  When a cat has its tail standing upright, it is a sign that it is happy.  When it's ears are sticking straight up and alert it means that it is ready for fun and play.  Also, when a cat purrs, it means it is content.  Check out the link below for more information on how to read your cat's body language.  

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