
How do you tell if a tooth on x-ray is impacted in the gum?

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Is there a certain thing to look for on a panorex to see if a tooth is impacted? If it is, can teeth generally that are impacted (i.e. canines)be 'brought down'?




  1. Generally with an x-ray, the x-ray technician releases a sheet in the xray file to tell you what's impacted, or still in the mandible (underneath the gum) or decayed etc.

    If a canine is impacted, you'll see it above the others, trying to slot in between two teeth (if it's under the fine surface layer of gum).

    I have an impacted canine (13th tooth), and my orthodontist is trying to bring it down by using a maxillary expander (quadhelix) expander.

    I'd already had three molars extracted (36th, 26th tooth and 16th tooth) so he doesn't have to remove any other teeth.

    A quad helix expander will widen the jaw, (as i have an extremely tiny upper jaw, with crowding) and he hopes that the canine tooth will be able to be moved into position when enough space is created.

    My quad helix expander is going to be on for 3 months, and then hopefully my impacted 13th (canine) tooth will be moved down into position and then have my braces on for 18 months.

    If that doesn't work, additional teeth (such as wisdom teeth) need to be extracted to make even more room. (Surgical option).

    Canine's are very important teeth, as they help rip food, and help make the teeth symetrical in order to have an ideal cross-bite.

    Speak to your genral dentist if you're worried about an impacted canine tooth, and ask for a refferal to an orthodontist (or maxillary surgeon)

  2. Well, if the tooth is not erupted in the mouth and is present on an x-ray, then it is impacted. Whether it is a complete impaction ( totally encased in bone), the age of the patient and some other factors can determine if the tooth can be exposed and "brought down" successfully.The dentist would be the best person to determine the odds of success.

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