
How do you tell if an snake is healthy????answers please?

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his eyes are blue and his belly is real milky looking




  1. my red tailed boa gets like that before he sheds , i  have always noticed that his eyes get a milky blue color, but i have never handled him while he was shedding. until the other day i didn't notice his eyes when i got him out and i seen his belly looked like a milky color. then i seen his eyes were cloudy so either both of our snakes are getting ready to shed or they both are sick with the same thing. im thinking you snake will be fine. if it doesn't shed in the nest week and a half to two weeks i would take him to the vet. good luck!!!

  2. With the little info you gave me, I am quite certain that the snake in question is preparing to shed.  Shedding is a normal occurrence for all snakes.  They form a new, larger skin beneath the old one and a milky fluid helps to separate the 2 from each other.  The eyes "go blue" and should clear up before beginning to shed.

    None of this has anything to do with whether or not a snake is healthy.  If you have to ask, you shouldn't attempt to care for it.  Snakes can be easy to care for, but if their needs aren't met (proper feeding, proper enclosure, water, proper thermoregulation, etc.), they can develop all sorts of problems which could lead to their death.  

    You've got a lot to learn - go online, there's lots of info out there.  Don't depend on Yahoo Answers to get you all the info you need to keep a snake healthy.

    Good luck.

  3. He's fine. Going to shed in about 3 to 5 days. Just make sure the humidity is high enough for whatever your kind of snake needs while shedding and let him be until he's done.

  4. dont worry he about to shed his skin thats why he look like that it should be gone in a few days a snake to be healthy make sure he moving,flick his toungue,his shittt is not green looking.

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