
How do you tell if my Bird is a Boy or a Girl?

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My bird is a kakariki (New Zealand parrot) it's about 2 years old and as a random guess about 7cm from head to rear end, its fairly small. It never use to bite as much but is a real killer now but its not too painful nor does he/she make you bleed. Any of this help to find out he/she's s*x type?




  1. well the only way for shure to get ur bird sexed is if u do a DNA test.some pet stores do it so if u want to know just call ur local pet store.

  2. Any tybe, any gender of bird may bite

    hold on

  3. If you know someone else who has a male & female then there is a way you can tell.

    Male kakariki's are slightly larger, have a broader beak & rounded head.

    These days in some kakariki mutations it can be impossible to tell the s*x as their sizes can vary.

  4. in all birds.. even in parakeets and finches... the only 100 % way to tell is to get a DNA test done at a vet office... sometimes in finches the feathers have different patterns/colors and sometimes in parakeets the nares(sp) (aka above the nose/beak) are different colors literally blue for boys and pink/tan for girls...

    with almost all (if not all) big birds and parrots... A DNA test is a must... there are generally NO differences in color OR temperment... or size for that matter...

  5. You cannot tell the s*x unless the color markings are different in the female versus the male...but most parrot breeds are the same coloring.  You can take your bird to a bird vet and he/she should be able to tell....there is no other way...sorry.

  6. you have to get a blood test on it

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