
How do you tell if someone is lying?

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How do you tell if someone is lying?




  1. the thing i look for is failure to maintain eye contact

    if they cant look you in the eye their probably lying

  2. Look at their eyes. A recent study has suggested that people blink less when they are lying, and tend to blink in a flurry after they're done lying.

  3. They do not maintain their eye contact with the person who he is talking to

  4. You really can't, if someone is an expert liar. Not even lie detector tests are admissible in court. And many innocent people have been convicted of crimes they didn't commit, just because they showed some of the so-called signs of lying although they were telling the truth. Nervousness just from the bad feeling of being unjustly accused can make a person seem untruthful even when they are not.

  5. If they say weird things or have a strange face expression or seem too confused while telling you sth not really serious or important or there 's sth unexpectable in their tone of voice, they are probably lying. If sb rubs their chin or nose or ear (especially chin), they may be lying as well.

  6. When you suspect they are lying, they  probably are.

  7. The eyes.

    Change of facial expression

    Story is not consistent

    "I can tell you're lying because when you're replying you stutter, stutter"-Joe Stutter

  8. Seven Common Signs of Lying

    1) No eye contact. Generally, if someone is lying they will not look you in the eye, at least during a certain part of the conversation. Normally, people make eye contact for at least half of a conversation, so anything less than this could be suspicious. One caveat: there are some people who will take great pains to make eye contact with you even if they're lying, simply to make you think they're not.

    2) Change in voice. A change in the pitch of a person's tone, or a lot of stammering (umm, ah), or throat clearing could indicate a lie.

    3) Unusual body language. If a person taps their foot a lot, fidgets with their hands, raises their shoulders, turns away from you or brings their hand to their face (to touch their chin or nose, etc.) -- in other words, if they act nervous or uncomfortable -- it could mean they're telling a lie. Also watch out for blushing (or becoming pale) and increased blinking.

    4) Something sounds fishy. Making statements that contradict each other, are inconsistent or don't sound quite right are usually part of a lie.

    5) Overly defensive. Sometimes when a person is lying they will become extremely defensive, refusing to answer any questions and even accusing you of lying. This may mean they have something to hide.

    6) Changes subject easily. If someone is lying and you change the subject, chances are high that they'll go right along with it. A person telling the truth, however, will likely ask why you changed the subject and want to go back to it.

    7) Humor or sarcasm. A guilty person will often try to change the subject using humor or sarcasm.

    Of course, no one behavior can tell for sure whether or not someone is telling the truth or lying. While you should trust your instinct, if you're not sure it's best to try to get some evidence to back up your accusation. Rather than relying on a specific behavior, catching a liar in the act is best done by watching their normal behaviors. When those behaviors suddenly change, that's when a lie has likely been told.

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