
How do you tell if you have legitimate shiny pokemon?

by  |  earlier

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I am pretty much sure that they are not legitimate but what is the difference and why is it so important? I would just like to be able to tell the difference. SPAMMER AND/OR HATERS NEED NOT REPLY - YOU WILL BE REPORTED.




  1. Well, look at the place they were caught, the date, Trainer ID, the stats(if they come out as higher than normal, it's not legit. Something like a Garchomp with 334 Speed or higher would raise suspicion.

    Also, if the Pokemon was traded from the GTS, it is more and likely hacked. Unless it was something like you gave him a Deoxys and he gave you a Shiny Beldum, that might be legit..

    If the Pokemon has a good nature (Like a Shiny Beldum with an Adamant nature) It is probably hacked. If you know of IVs, check them to see what they are. If they are all 31, it is hacked. If thy are horrid / decent but not good it might be legit.

    Being able to tell if they are hacked or not is important if you want to get into serious trading, as people want a Shiny that is legit and had a few hours or so dumped into it. Some people online refuse to battle / trade with you if you have anything hacked, but those people are just some scrubs or something..

    You could post its info (Place caught, stats if you never battled or are 100% certain of its EVs, OT, Trainer ID, nature, and the pokemon in general.) and people could probably tell you.


    Some people are just odd like that, they think it will s***w up their game. It's like some mental disorder...

  2. you can use this for wild caught (chained) shinies

    but you'll need access to your .sav through either pokesav + a flash cart like R4 or some other method.

  3. Legitimate shinies are the ones you catch without using any cheats. They are WAY MORE valuable because it takes ALOT MORE work to catch them.

    People don't like to use AR pokemon because their stats are usually lower than real pokemon (even if you train them). People don't want others to use AR pokemon against them because it's not fair if someone has the EXACT pokemon they want with the EXACT nature they want while you're stuck with the pokemon that were available in the game.

    To tell if it's hacked:

    any non-legendary pokemon that are caught at a higher level than 60 is hacked.

    any legendary or starters that are shiny are 99.99999999999....% hacked.

    if legendaries are caught at a different level than they were suppose to be caught (ex. level 2 dialga), they are hacked(go on sites like, you will see the levels the legendaries are when you catch them).

    in alot of cases the pokedex will give info on WHERE the pokemon was caught or from wich game it was tranfered. If the location is different from where they are suppose to be caught, they are hacked.

  4. I think that people refuse to battle with their shiny pokemon is because they are afraid that it will faint and it will never come back. The difference between legitimate and not legitamite is easy, legitamate is rarer because you actually catch rather than hacking it into your game.

  5. Well if you caught it without using cheats  or  stuff like that than its legit.

  6. it will sparkle during battle and will be a different color.

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