
How do you tell if your female beta fish is about to lay eggs???

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and how on god's green earth are you supposed to take care of the lil fishies?




  1. umm you need to put the female in with the male after he makes a bubble nest then he will take care of the eggs wen the eggs hatch witch takes about 2-3 days take the male out and you can feed the babies microworms you can order them online and you need to have a sponge filter so the babies dont get sucked up and you can start feeding them flake food at 6 months and you must seperate them wen you see them show sighns of agression they wont all show it at the same time but watch them and only take out the agressive ones ♥

    hope that helps


  2. well they dont lay eggs you have to breed them but you can tell if she has eggs in her when her belly is really big and there is a little white spec in front of her anal fin (bottom fin) that looks very big read about breeding at if you want to bredd her

  3. Bettas engage in a very complex spawning ritual, and it needs to be supervised very carefully. She won't 'lay' eggs without a male - during the spawning, the male will 'wrap' around the female. Eggs are then released, the male catches them in his mouth, then puts them in the bubblenest. Once the spawning is complete, the female is removed. She has basically zero to do with actual care of the eggs or fry.

    Caring for betta fry is also a lot harder than other fry, like livebearers. They're much, much smaller - like the size of a period on this page. They will NOT eat dry food - you need live food like baby brine shrimp for them to eat. They require daily water changes to prevent them from getting stunted, and all young males must be separated around 3 months of age when they begin to show aggression. Spawning bettas isn't for people who don't have any patience, don't have a lot of space or time, and those who aren't willing to put in a lot of work for several months. If you have more questions about spawning, please e-mail me.

    Good luck!

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