
How do you tell if your leo is healthy?

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i have a leopard gecko (i think he's a male, i've had him for around 3 years but i don't know how old he was when i got him) and i'm kind of concerned that he might be unhealthy and i can't tell. he's not particularly skinny or anything, and his tail is nice and chubby, but how would i know if he were sick or if i was not treating him right? and is it okay to feed him grasshoppers and crickets i catch out in the yard?




  1. Signs of a healthy Leo include:

    Bright, Curious Eyes

    A big, fat tail

    General Curiousity

    Eating right

    As for confirming your, "i think he is male."

    It is not good to feed your animals items you hunt outdoors. They good have ingested pesticides or toxic material and could kill your gecko. Buy from your local petstore to ensure safety.

    Good luck on your leo and his health.

  2. If his tail is nice and plump, his skin looks good, and he's fairly active he's most likely a healthy little guy.

    And for grasshoppers and crickets, no, they could have been exposed to pesticides which could cause your leo to get sick and possibly die.

  3. It's dangerous to feed your gecko insects from outside.  They can carry parasites, disease, and pesticides.

    He needs insects from the pet store/supplier, which are grown in controlled conditions for the purpose of being pet prey items.  Be sure you gut load his insects properly before offering them to him.

    If he's healthy, he'll have nice reserves in his tail, good color, be active at night, have wide open eyes, and eat well.  His limbs will not tremble, etc.

    I'll post some sites below, so you can peek out what a healthy gecko should look like, and also so you can see if you are meeting all of his needs (like heat, vitamins, calcium with D3, etc.), but please note my disclaimer.

    Enjoy your Leo, and I hope this has been helpful.

  4. Don't feed him anything out side!! and if he's not healthy he'll be flopped on the floor of the tank lmao.

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