
How do you tell somebody you hate them?

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yes hate is a very strong word but right now, there is this guy who i have very deep feelings of dislike towards( thats putting it lightly) and i need some help now becuase in a weeks time, him and i will be in the same cabin groups for school camp! how do i tell the m**o that i hate his guts without any sort of disputes or arguements.

i mean him and i just have this mutal hatred for each other. it was just from day one of school and i saw this guy and i just hated him! i eventually found reasons to hate him me out here




  1. its tinner right?

    just do what i do

    make sure he knows you absolutly loathe him and itll slow eeeat away at him


    lol hope it helps



  2. I had the same problem back in college. There was this one girl who I just didn't like at all. We hated each other for an entire semester.

    Then we took a class together. We had a mutual friend who helped us both get beyond our hatred.. and volia! We are best friends, and were roommates our sophomore year and senior year in college.

    You never know, that guy could become a great friend if you got to know him a bit.  

  3. What bothers you about him?  If you have any reason to hate him then tell him if you have to see him constantly or ignore him. Otherwise it is not good to hate someone for no reason.

    Maybe you hate each other now, can be best friends in the future~!

  4. Well do you want to pick a fight with him or just avoid him for eternity. If you want to fight, walk up to him forcefully, say, "I hate you," and punch him. If you would just like to stay away from him, just ignore him, when he comes near you walk away, if he confronts you, tell him you don't like being around him.

  5. "Listen, dude, no hard feelings but... I hate you. I just thought that one of us aught to say it."

  6. Hey Sean This is Will.  

    This person that you 'dislike' i think i know who it is.  What you should do is just go up to him the next time he pisses you off and just tell him. just say your pissing me off now please stop. and if he dosent belt the living c**p out of him.

    Hope this helped


  7. You must not hate anyone.  Hating someone is like killing someone in your mind.  Dont do it.  If anything kill him with kindness with he tries to mess with you.  In order for this world to be a happy and loving one we must first rid ourselves from our own negativity.  Hate definitely needs to go.  I know it may not seem easy to do but just trust me on this one and follow your heart.  God bless.

  8. Why do you feel the need to share this information with him?  You already said "him and i just have this mutual hatred for each other."  So don't you think maybe he already knows???

  9. You could just flat out tell him when you get to camp, but you could end up having the whole cabin hating you if they are friendly with him.  Not a fun way to spend your time at a school camp.

    You claim that both of you have a mutual hatred for each other, did you ever wonder if this may only be your problem, and not his.  He may be cold to you only because you've given him an attitude since day one.  People don't normally spend sooo much needless energy hating someone unless it is beneficial to them.  Get over it and quit wasting so much time on this guy, I'm sure he does not give as much thought to you.

  10. Just ignore him, life is too short to waste energy and karma on those you "hate"...  

  11. Without knowing your situation can't give you exact solution. But what i can tell you is for the moment be quite with him. Don't entertain this person. So if you do like this sure he will feel uncomfortable and will stay far from you. remember " Speech is silver silence is golden"  

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