
How do you tell someone to SHUT UP!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I know I can't literally say "Shut up!", but my coworker talks nonstop, which is annoying and disruptive. Her desk is next to mine, so I can't avoid her. I need some suggestions!




  1. say politely, "could you please keep it down/be quite?". it always works for me.

  2. Put on earphones, she'll get the hint.

  3. "Judy, I have to keep working and I have to admit, that I'm having trouble keeping track of both my work and what you are saying.  So, until I get a break, can we keep the talking to a minimum so I don't get off track? Thanks."

  4. I would just ask her if she minds keeping her voice down.

    Or, listen to your i-pod :)

  5. Keep looking at your own desk, put up some earphones for music if you're allowed, or just give her faint smiles, brief hello's and greeting's and she'll get the message.

    But, as well, don't ignore her. Talk to her at times. You don't know when you'll need her help. Go out for a coffee occasionally with her or even lunch.

    Hope that helps.

  6. Talk to HR and ask them to speak to her about her babbling on and on during work hours.

  7. If she's talking to you, a simple "I'm really focused on this spreadsheet, and don't have time to chat now", or something similar, every time she tries to engage you in conversation should cut her off.

    If she's chatting with other people, you really can't do much except perhaps ask to have your seat changed.  If you are allowed to have a radio, turn it on really low so you have "white noise" to block out the nonstop chatter.

  8. say: " Oooooo! Sounds interesting!! Let's catch up during lunch!!"

    ..hopefully she'll get the hint!

  9. Pull your muscles and say aloud, " SHUT UP "

    If you can't do that recall any incidence of yesterday and just repeat it every time you happen to see her. Tell her at least one such story which you just told last week, every day.

    I hope she will post the same question at Y/A

  10. Say something like "I'm sorry, but I need to get some work done".  

  11. If it's you she's talking to just say, I really don't have time to talk, I've got to get back to work.  Keep on saying that or something like it....she'll get the hint.  If she's talking to others or on the phone and is just loud, that might be a little harder to deal with.  You could just come out and say, You know we really need to get some work done, if you could just tone it down a bit.  But that might cause hurt feelings.  

  12. Tell her its quiet time.

  13. Just let her know, in a polite way, that her talking is making it hard for you to concentrate on your work.

    Thanks for asking.

  14. Say as pleasantly as you can, "I really need to concentrate now."    Then if she keeps talking, tune her out as well as you can and just say , "Mm hmm" at more or less appropriate intervals.  Beyond that, there's little that you can politely (i. e. without hurting her feelings) do.  Some people are incurable nonstop talkers, and if you try to tell them you need quiet to concentrate, they'll just agree with you and start talking about how important it is to have quiet, etc.  If this is the case with your co-worker, the only other thing you can do is ask your supervisor to have your desk moved away from hers.

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