
How do you tell someone you don't want to be friends?

by  |  earlier

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There is a really nice girl at work, but she keeps inviting me to things and I really don't want to go. She is nice and everything, but I am a busy woman and frankly, she is kind of annoying... How do I politely let her know that I don't want to maintain a friendship with her? I don't mind being friendly at work, but I really don't want to start doing things outside of work. I am not trying to be rude - I am a working mother, an d I just don't have time to "hang out" with her...

Any ideas of what to say and how to phrase it?




  1. just be friendly when you see her.  when she invites you to go places just tell her you can't.  tell her what you just said, you are busy and don't have a lot of time.

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