
How do you tell someone you hate them without being mean?

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Meaning family..




  1. "You know, I really don't enjoy spending time with you."


    "You make it impossible to like you."

  2. LOL, wow, I have the same problem. I just don't talk to her. And if I have to be around her, I basically ignore her.

    She does act like a real bi*ch most of the time, so I have told her that repeatedly.  

  3. There was a kid at work I didn't like so I "accidentally" splashed hot grease on him. We didn't talk much after that...

    In terms of family. just act really shy around them, eventually they will stop talking to you

  4. You don't.

    Just clam up, don't include them in your life, and just spend your time elsewhere.

    If you somehow get stuck with them on holidays, maintain the policy of not talking about your personal life, and stick to general topics like the weather.

  5. just don't talk to them.  "Ever".

  6. Firstly life is to love each other... try to love every one on your own ways in bounded relationship...because  life is of short term almost try to spread only love & not hateredness

    even.. as i said its life , life is life only there is all mixtures of love, hateredness, sad, fightings, sorrwoness, loneliness & gatherness.

    all must be there to know the value of life but all to some extent...only one remains beyond life ie. after life is only LOVE

       one metthod to show hatredness to someone is just dont use any words from you... whatever how ever just don care any thing about the person whom you think you hate the most...  

    don care for them and dont talk to them at all ... this silence from you will prick them  & gradually they will come to know about their mistakes or your hateredness...


  7. "I'm not interested in hanging out with u"

    "I don't mean to sound mean, but I really don't like u"

    Best thing u can do is just stay away from that person and just ignore them when they come around. Eventually they'll get the message.

  8. Is it just me or do a lot of people find you annoying?

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