
How do you tell someone you love that you are dying?

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I can't get health insurance because I've had abnormal pap smears and had surgery on my cervix. I can't get health insurance through my employer. I fear I may have cancer since it has been so long since I've been to the doctor, how do I tell my family and friends that I may be dying becaue I can't afford to go the doctor to have surgery again?




  1. Well, you don't.  You tell them you have health issues, and need to get checked out, and don't have the money for it.  And hope they'll chip up.

    Bonus - if you sold your computer, it WOULD pay for some testing, and the visit.  

    And if health insurance isn't offered through your job - it's time to switch jobs.

    FWIW, living, is the process of dying.  We're ALL a day closer to our death dates, just by virtue of the fact that we got through another day.    At some point in time, you have to take responsibility for YOURSELF, instead of depending on someone else to pay for the doctor.  It all depends on how important it is to you.  What your priorities are.

  2. Go to the doctor if you are worried! You cant just say I think I have cancer as I havent been to check. I dont know about the system over there, is it possible to just get a check up thats not too expensive, or waiting for a free appointment? Or is it impossible - i dunno

    Sorry if I have misread your question.

  3. Instead of throwing in the towel seek help to get the medical attention you need.  Letting something minor go unchecked will unfortunately get you to a point where you can't turn back and can't be helped.  An abnormal pap can be cured with freezing the cells which is a minor procedure.  However left unchecked you may be looking at a full blown hysterectomy or worse.

    Your family, friends, church, or local government will be able to help you, but you need to ask them.

    Good luck.


  4. go to the doctor have yourself checked before assuming the worst possible scenario.  If you need surgery you can apply for charity care.  They usually help out people that can't pay their hospital & doctor bills.  

    God bless

  5. First, I want to say that James Russell's answer is pathetic.

    If you can't pay for health care, and can prove it financially, the healthcare facilities still are required by law to treat you. If you can't buy health insurance because of pre-existing testing results, but are able to pay substantially for a healthcare plan, if you could qualify, then you can pay for additional testing.

    Log onto   This site offers guaranteed issue health insurance, which covers pre-existing


    BTW, how do you know you are dying without a professional prognosis? I know what it's like to tell my loved ones I am dying.

    In May, 2002, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Had colon resection surgery, and was on chemo for six months. The cancer metasticized and was diagnosed in August, 2006, and I was given 6-10 months to live.

    The cancer went to my liver, left kidney, esophagus, colon wall, and left femur. I was on chemo for 10 months. The cancers shrunk, three were eradicated. The liver was surgically resected, and the tumor in the kidney was cyberknifed. (Pin-pointed high, painless, doses of radiation) Initially, they said that surgery was no option. God said different.

    God, with his infinite mercy and grace, and through the prayers of His people, and the hands and knowledge of my physicians, saw fit to spare my life for awhile. The docs say that there is not a cure for what I have, but at this time, I am cancer free. God is not finished with me yet.

    I don't know when, or if, the cancer will return. But if and when it does, and God decides it's time for me to go "home", I'm ready to go. Praise His Holy Name.

    Best wishes, and God bless you. I'll be praying that you do not have cancer.

  6. You must be in the US or something. The only ****** up country in the world where they gonna let you die because you can't pay for your medicine. Life is beautiful, welcome to the club

  7. you have to be passion and you must tell the truth to your family in that way, that how they will able to co-operate with your problem. your feelings and pain hide in your heart will definitely cause slow poison in future.

  8. You are imagining things!!! Common sense would tell one to contact ones Doctor.  I believe he is the only one who really knows.  I think you are jumping at conclusions.  HOW ABOUT GOD HAVE U TRIED HIM.  HE is the GREATEST help in the world.  God Bless.

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