
How do you tell the difference between female bettas and plakat bettas?

by Guest56452  |  earlier

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I have always wondered this, lol!




  1. Thats funny LOL.  Just look at the fins the male has way bigger fins than a female.  

  2. Female bettas usually are plainer in color, so that might help with the identifying. Also, Plakat Bettas have a rounded claudal and dorsal fin, and their pelvic fin (or is it anal?) is sort of diagonal, and big. Female bettas do look similar, but plakats have more drastic distinguishable features I suppose. :>

    Female betta:

    Plakat betta:

    Also, Plakat Bettas are some of the most aggressive types, and female bettas are more passive, so I guess pulling out the ol' mirror test might help out.

    If you have a very pretty colorful and feisty female I guess it would be more hard to distinguish!  

  3. do you mean male and female plakats or just females an plakats in general?

    females always have a little protruding white dot under their belly by their ventral fins. Plakats tend to have a different shape to their body and to me seem broader and more bulky.

    female plakats have squared off ventral fins, they dont have a long point.

  4. It is difficult to distinguish between the sexes if you go by color alone.  Both male and female have more or less the same color.  There may be some differences on the caudal and anal fin shapes, but this is very subtle.

    The robust profile of a female may well be a good guide, but the best way is what cinnafab noted.  The tiny, protruding white dot on the belly near the ventral fin.  This is the female's ovipositor, and is readily seen in all adult betta females, be they pla kat or long-finned type.

  5. the male has bigger fins than the femail,,,i have a male betta:B

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