
How do you tell the love of your live you are not like their x and will never Hort them

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here x hit here allot and lied




  1. Once you have been lied to and hurt, it is hard to learn to trust again, it is not her fault she has been badly treated.

    Just be patient and always treat her with love & respect and time will work magic!  Tell her you love her every day, tell her you will always be there for her & protect her, make her feel safe and wanted.

  2. Being distrustful is something your Sweetheart learned from her ex's behavior.  Telling her you won't hurt her isn't going to mean much when she's used to being lied to.  You just have to be very patient and SHOW her that you can be trusted.  It will just take time to prove it to her, but your actions speak louder than any words ever could.

    Good luck.

  3. unfortunately, it's not something you can just tell her, and have her believe.

    you have to be patient and gentle with her, and show rather than tell her. soon, she'll start to accept that you're not going to mess her around, and she'll relax with you.

    good luck - you sound like a good, caring guy :)

  4. if u r going to lie bout it then dnt ay it its as simple as that

  5. Never say never.

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