
How do you tell your 5 year old that you have a disease, and it isn't going away...?

by Guest33606  |  earlier

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How do you tell your 5 year old that you have a disease, and it isn't going away...?




  1. It depends if the disease is incurable. If it is, I would tell them like this:

    Mommy is very sick. We have been working hard to make me get better but it isn't working. Just know I will always love you!

    For a five year old, it is hard to understand. If they ask questions, then get into detail. Something this simple is fine for a five year old.

    God Bless you  and your family

  2. What disease is it? Just tell them that you're sick and that it isn't going to go away and will probably get worse. Let him know that you love him and that if anything happens to you, you want him to know that you'll be watching over him, always.

  3. Tell him/her that Mommy is very sick and she might go to heaven soon. And that you will miss him/her, but you will always be with him/her in his/her heart. Then, go out and from then on, make the most of life and treat every day as though it is your last. Read about Randy Pausch.

  4. Since you represent safety, the child will also be scared about his own future.  Make arrangements for his care and let  him know what they are.  

  5. Wow, i am so sorry, my prayers are with you. 5 years old may be too young to understand but tell him that you are unwell and it's not getting better. Tell him to stay strong and that you love him no matter what happens.

  6. Well, it all kinda depends.... if this disease is making you "visibly" sick then you will have to discuss it with him. But if you have- lets say- lupus and just have flare-ups then u need to be very basic with him....

    "mommy isn't feeling well right now... Ill be better soon". Then when he is older and can understand more you can explain in greater detail.

    If you have cancer or other and will be very, very sick then you just have to explain it in terms he can grasp.  I wouldn't worry him yet - with death- unless you have not been given much time to live.

    Basically- a 5yr old doesn't need to worry every day that his Mommy may die today. That is too much stress for him. He needs to have his innocence saved as much as possible.  Reassure your love for him. Explain what death and illness are but don't consume him with it. Read some books together about "sick" people and hospitals, GOD and heaven... etc...

    Just cherish this time as much as possible and allow him to do the same

    God Bless you!!!

  7. is the disease life threating if so then you have to give him or her something to hold on to u cant just say u may or may not die!!!! let them know u will reunite with them if something should happen make a video diary and tell them how u feel that way he or she has it there whole life and can go back to any moment he or she wants to!!!!! but you have to tell him or her in a way they will understand and give them hope

  8. I would let your 5 year old know that you are sick and the doctors are trying to help mommy feel better. Regardless of what you tell them, that 5 year old is going to be very concerned for you. You need to just make it as pleasant and painless for your child as possible and give them all the love that you can and try not to let them see you in pain because that will frighten them. Spend as much time with them as you can and let them know what the doctors are doing to you. Kids are very curious at that age so you can tell them stuff like "the doctor did such and such to help mommy not hurt today" etc... and that will appease their curiosity for the most part. Good luck with everything. =)

  9. Tell him straightforward. Then tell him to have hope, but if something happens to you, you want him to be strong and remeber that your always in his heart.

  10. If you have a fatal disease I wouldn't tell her/him until close to the end. I'm sorry. Kids always like talking about heaven and God. You have to tell them how wonderful it will be there and that you will always be watching them. If it isn't fatal then tell them what you have and explain to them whenever your not feeling good what is hurting and why, but always tell them your o.k. they dint want mommy or daddy hurting. You have to be strong for them. Good Luck.  

  11. There are now a lot of really good children's book on the subject.  Just go to your local library and ask  the Liberian for help finding the one that works best for you and your family.

  12. YO, BRAT.

    I'm sick!

    I'm not getting over it.

    So you BETTER be good, or your actions of being bad will haunt you FOREVER!

    My Mom asked me to bring her her toothbrush a few days before she was killed in the hospital. (Yes I'm bitter over those quacks 30 years later) and I forgot to bring her her toothbrush.

    Yes that thought still bothers me. That was her last request to me.

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