
How do you tell your child that they're adopted?

by  |  earlier

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i'm not a parent, but i was just wondering.

what would you do if they wanted to find their blood parents?




  1. I have friends that have an adopted daughter and they always told her that she was special because mommy and daddy picked her.  It was really cute and she loved to tell people that.  As far as a child wanting to find their birth parents I feel like help them is the best thing.

  2. "Billy, have you ever noticed you have a different skin colour than me or Daddy?"

  3. well l have a son somewhere out there who was adopted but he`s never come looking for me yet.. l wish he would

  4. Sit your child down say u are adopted

  5. Tell them the truth and early on, while i was growing up my parents hung my adoption certificate over my bed and never made a issue that they werent my bio parents... when i was 18 yrs old the childrens home society of illinois sent me a update letter explaining to me about my bio parents... and the fact that my bio mom had 5 other children besides me who were placed up for adoption... the letter also gave me details on my bio grandparents and if they were living or dead at the time and so on... the only thing the letter didnt tell me was their names... but that was ok with me as i had two loving and wonderful parents growing up and i am happy... when i was going to get married my adoptive mom wanted me to search for my bio parents to let them come to the wedding... I CHOSE not too as i had the only parents i had ever known and they mean the world to me... being a child of adoption makes me feel special as i was picked by my parents who wanted me badly... i am sorry this is so long but i wanted u to know from my experience how i handled not knowing my blood parents... by the way my bio mom gave me a good gift i have my bio fathers last name as my first name...

  6. My brother is adopted and he always knew - my mum made a special book for him that had his story with photos of his birth parents.

    He is now 17 and knows his birth mother quite well.

    If an adopted child wants to find their birth parents then you let them and help them - it's an important part of finding their identity and making sense of who they are.

  7. Help them find their parents. Your child. You will always want to help them and you will always be supportive of them no matter what they want. They know who their real parents are. The ones who have cared for them all their life. Its just filling a void. They really need to know. I know you will do whats right for your child.Anyone can have a baby but the one who cares and provides is the true mother or father.

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