
How do you tell your close friend which is a girl that you are feeling her after all this time?

by Guest33564  |  earlier

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I been friends with this one girl i like for awhile now and i want to know how should i tell her i dont want to make things wierd, but i can't really hold it in and i like her a lot since i met her i was thinking to tell her how i feel later on but then i dont know and i dont want to make things wierd and what if she says no. lol




  1. Ask her who she likes at the moment... And then you can bring it up that you like her. You never know, she might like you too! You could say that you don't want things to be awkward after you have told her that you like her and she will probably make an effort to make sure things aren't awkward. She will appreciate your honesty and you never know, if she does like you it could blossom into something beautiful and you will sure be glad you said something! The best relationships come from the best friendships, Good luck :)

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