
How do you tell your coworker that she stinks like...?

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I work with someone that stinks so much. I feel bad because she is very introvert and I can't have a chance to tell her that she stinks like dead meat, or dead fish or something.

It's not only one day, its everyday, the whole week. I feel so bad about it, and everyone in the office talks about her and her smell.

What should I do?





  1. by some body wash, body sprays and deoderant and put in in a bag on her desk ...don't say who it's from. maybe she will get the hint !

  2. Since you are her friend, perhaps you could say something roundabout like, "what kind of cologne do you wear? I smell something at your desk. Is it food?" Don't do it in a way that demands an answer. Tell her what it smells like. If she doesn't figure out that maybe it's her, you could then be more direct. It's not loving to let it go. If it gets too bad, call the manager, but you dont have to go crying to him every time anything is out of kilter.

    Oh, and if you're direct with her she may respect you and appreciate you more.

  3. I had to tell one of my closest friends that she smells once. I wasn't successful because I tried to be tactful and nonchalant. I was not direct.

    If you can pull her aside away from everyone else then I would and just try to tell her that you notice an odor from her that is not pleasant and it's driving people away. If you can bring some soap that smells nice or deodorant to help her. Just tell her that you aren't trying to be mean that your intention is to help her because people are talking. You don't want them to continue talking about her. She will be embarrassed and upset but in time she should be ok. I would hope someone would do this for me if I were the smelly one.

    edit: You might have to go to HR with this one if you think she's the sue happy type.

  4. She may have a medical condition. Don't embarass her.

  5. Actually, this is not your responsibility. Let whoever is in charge take care of it. She may have a good reason, usually medical for the awful stench which would protect her under law. But a human resources manager should be the one to confront her, no you or your coworkers. I feel sorry for you all, but you also don't want to do something mean which could be labeled as harassment.

  6. I would just leave a bag of bath and body products on her desk anonymously when she is not there. Put deoderant, soap and shampoo in it. Maybe print out an article that talks about the importance of cleanliness and throw that in there too.

  7. I agree with Sicilia. Write her a note:

    "Baby,you smell like something just crawled up inside you and died."

    "Sweetie,you smell so bad the hairs in my nose just crawled back into my sinuses".

    "Honey, you smell so bad,would you please f**t to counteract the odor?"

  8. why not suggest in a nice way"hey ---- have you tried that new soap/bodywash/deoderant?its real nice,i have a spare,why dont you try it,its lovely",then no one gets offended or embaressed.she may have a condition called"fish odor syndrome"it is caused by hormonal imbalance(im being serious here) and may need to speak to a doctor.

  9. write her a note, (type it to disguise your handwriting)  be nice about it.  meaning don't tell her she smells like a dead rat, just say that her body odor can be a bit overwhelming and that she should check her dr because something could be wrong.

  10. I agree with Jm e. This really shouldn't be your responsibility. Her supervisor should handle it. I've been in management and we had to deal with all sorts of issues from someone complaining about another person's cologne to body odor to cleavage, to  someone complaining that a person talked about God too much.

    But if you are personal friends with her. Tell her directly outside of work. Just be frank with her. You would want someone to tell you, if you were in her shoes.

  11. you don't.

  12. tell it to her as a joke or stick it in between sentences like...

    Dude, did you shower breakdown or somthing? *THEN LAUGH* then just go with it with a big smile on your face the whole time. if you seem serious and stuffs she will feel bad about herself. just tell it to her any time you like.

    but dont go sitting her down with a serious face, and shitt. jut tell HER with a big fat smile on your face and she will accept it as if it was a joke thing, then will go home and seriously think she stinks then fix it.

  13. Very discreetly place a bag on her desk. In the bag, put some hand soap, deodarant, body lotion, and body wash.

    She should take the hint.

    Right after college, I worked for a guy who had bad breath. It was really horrible. I went into work early one day, and left a bottle of Listerine on his desk, with a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush. He took the hint because his breath smelled better.

    About 6 weeks later, the company had a layoff, and he walked me out the door. I often thought it was because he know I left that stuff on his desk. But we were both better off, his breath didn't stink anymore, and I found a better paying job.

    Hopefully, that'll work for you. Good Luck!!

  14. :D

    wait till her birthday.let her wear the perfume you'll give to her

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